Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible instead of using ripped DVD's to play torrented Xbox games, if I can hook up my external USB HD to my Xbox and run the games from that?
Is this possible, and if it is, what must I do to get this to work?
thats if some one would make a a usbloader like what they did with the ps2, and wii.
i think it can be done, but they the hackers just don't want to make a usbloader for the 360.
Oh well that's good news at least that it's possible for the PS2, I can fool around with that a bit.
My main reason for wanting to do this is because I'm having the "Open Tray" error with my Xbox, and so I figured by loading games off of the external HD I can bypass that problem.
So I guess the next part of my question should be, is it possible to mod my Xbox through an external HD?
This would be cool I am running USB Loader on my Wii, and something like that on the Xbox 360 would be awesome. I believe that is what a jtag mod basically does?