Saving music playlist to Flash Drive
11. August 2013 @ 14:51 |
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My son has an xBox360 without a hard drive. What he'd like to do is load up some theme music to play in WWE 13. Apparently he needs to have music saved to a playlist.
What I'd like to do is save the playlist on a thumb drive for him, but he says its not possible for some reason. I've done SOME searching, but haven't been able to find any helpful info.
I don't have much trouble soft modding his Wii, but this xBox is giving me trouble. There isn't much info that I can find. Any help or a good guide link would be extremely helpful.
17. August 2013 @ 12:28 |
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I'm surprised there's no answer.
I've tried ripping from a CD, but I'm unable to do so, even with a properly prepared flash drive.
4. September 2013 @ 12:16 |
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anyone? Can someone point me to a guide of some sort?
5. September 2013 @ 05:13 |
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Hi if you didn't want to buy a HDD for the console and only use a flash drive then you cannot setup play lists on a configured Flash drive.CD's can be ripped only if you have a HDD.If it was that important to you HDD's are really cheap nowadays and ripping to a playlist would be the way to go.However if your tightening the wallet strings then you could in practice stream your music.Just make sure you have paired your pc or laptop to your console so they are sharing music via music player.You may have to create a playlist for each and every entrance.connect via your hub with a Ethernet cable.(the instructions on sharing you would have to google yourself depending on your o/s.If you just wanted music playing in the background or for some(mood) music use a program called tversity.Its free and holds a connection pretty well so you can stream music/movies just about anything.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. September 2013 @ 05:13
5. September 2013 @ 10:33 |
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Thanks for the reply. I had pretty much concluded that an HDD was the only way to go. However, one of my son's friends did the same thing we're trying to do with an Ipod. I have no idea HOW he accomplished it, how its attached, or even whether he actually has a playlist or is just streaming as you suggest.
You were right in assuming I'm trying to do this on the cheap. Do you know whether ANY external drive will work or does it have to be an XBox drive [or generic equivalent]? Regardless, a 20gb drive can be had on EBay for as little as $14, Buy It Now, including shipping. [In other words, to cheap to keep hunting for alternatives].
The console travels back and forth between homes, so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible, hence my initial desire to use a flash drive.
Your comment helps me a lot.
6. September 2013 @ 05:13 |
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If you need to be more portable then you can always have your profile on your flash drive with your game saves etc,however for that particular game in question my post is the solution.I would go ahead with your purchase for the HDD for your playlists.After all the hdd is not that large.Weighing up the averages between having more content on a HDD which is portable to a flash drive with limited storage i would be inclined to buy a larger HDD from the 20gig you were going to purchase.I would buy a 60 or 120 gig version.They are cheap if you know where to look.External drives via usb have a limit on capacity unless you have a slim model a memory card and soldering skills.Hope this helps.Regarding the ipod connection take a look at this link below.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. September 2013 @ 05:27
6. September 2013 @ 13:49 |
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Thanks for all the info and help. I'm not all that familiar with the Xbox itself, though I've heard of people modding them somehow to run as an XBMC/Linux box. Being a Windows guy, I'm not too sure about tackling such a project, though I've seen guides posted.
My kid will likely tell me all the other stuff he'll be able to do with a large HDD. I looked at the link regarding the ipod. His friend must be streaming as it suggests, but my son will have to check that out.
Thanks again. Any further info or suggestions I'm willing to entertain.
6. September 2013 @ 17:39 |
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You are referring to a jtag ot rgh pending on what xbox console you have.Having such a system will enable you to have any size external HDD and any content and no need to run any game disks.They require wiring and reprogramming the nand chip in the console.If your a pc guy you may want to have a look at these options if you want to further educate yourself before your son over takes you in console knowledge!!
9. September 2013 @ 17:14 |
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I'll check them out. Anyway to perform a softmod?
9. September 2013 @ 17:37 |
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Soft modding enables you to play backups of your original games but not installing images to a HDD.This is known as flashing your dvd drives firmware.It wont help you with your Original post but if you want to venture into such a project they are plenty of tutorials around giving you all the info you need.Another point in case they are compatible HDD that you can buy and flash with a .Bin file place in an xbox360 HDD enclosure and it sometimes works out cheaper.These are only suggestions but i would recommend buying your HDD so you can resolve your original problem and anything else afterwards you would get help here in the future.
10. September 2013 @ 16:18 |
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Thanks. Yes, you must have read my mind, I was wondering if I'd be able to play backups from a HDD. He has a number of scratched up disks that no longer work. I'll have to check out how to back them up.
11. September 2013 @ 05:09 |
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You can only play backups or originals from a HDD if you have the disk as well.It still needs to authenticate you have a fully working backup/original.The only way around such a case is modding your console to RGH/JTAG or buy a xkey(xK3y).two require soldering and programming all 3 need to have the console opened at some stage. (see links below)Regarding your scratched disks you could take them to be re-polished at a game store if the scratches are not too deep.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. September 2013 @ 05:11