Truncating or Over-burning?
10 product reviews
26. May 2012 @ 11:23 |
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Hey, guys. I'm back. Finally. Anyways, I have a question to you guys that relates to burning XGD3 Games with ImgBurn without the Burner Max or stuff.
So, can somebody tell me what's more effective. Overburn or truncate?
I mean I heard that overburn pushes the ISO to the disk full (Not tried that yet)
Then everybody kept saying that Truncate is the better option since it kinda works better.
I recently burned Skyrim and Max Payne 3 (Disk 1) by using the truncate method and they all failed by giving me a "Dirty Disk" message.
Can you guys, sorta help me out?
Thanks. :)
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AfterDawn Addict
26. May 2012 @ 16:44 |
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Truncating does not burn the whole image.
Overburning does burn the whole image.
Enough said :)
10 product reviews
26. May 2012 @ 20:25 |
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Originally posted by eebeejay: Truncating does not burn the whole image.
Overburning does burn the whole image.
Enough said :)
But which one is better, E? I mean I don't want to waste more disks. I wasted about 5 already. And I still can't afford the Burner Max and Stuff.
What happens if I use Overburn instead of truncate?
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AfterDawn Addict
26. May 2012 @ 22:29 |
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Originally posted by GI2: What happens if I use Overburn instead of truncate?
A full 100% of the games is burnt to the disc.
10 product reviews
26. May 2012 @ 23:04 |
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Originally posted by eebeejay: Originally posted by GI2: What happens if I use Overburn instead of truncate?
A full 100% of the games is burnt to the disc.
But? (Any errors or something like that. Defects?)
AfterDawn Addict
27. May 2012 @ 01:35 |
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Originally posted by GI2: But? (Any errors or something like that. Defects?)
Full image, no errors. With $20 iHas.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. May 2012 @ 01:37
10 product reviews
27. May 2012 @ 02:50 |
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Originally posted by eebeejay: Originally posted by GI2: But? (Any errors or something like that. Defects?)
Full image, no errors. With $20 iHas.
I really need to buy the iHas. Dang it. I've been wasting Verbatim disks.
The only burn that worked is [PROTOTYPE 2]. Perfect burn with the 97% error. Problem is. I can't play P2 because I haven't upgraded the box to LT+3
27. May 2012 @ 11:56 |
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Even with that new burner, you could end up wasting a lot of discs until you find the right settings. If you are going to be spending money, you might as well go with the best method out there and thats emulation. Get an x360key and never have to deal with CFW and discs again.
10 product reviews
27. May 2012 @ 23:54 |
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Originally posted by 360lifer: Even with that new burner, you could end up wasting a lot of discs until you find the right settings. If you are going to be spending money, you might as well go with the best method out there and thats emulation. Get an x360key and never have to deal with CFW and discs again.
x360Key might be the best choice. But I have to search this device in the Philippines. Well, thanks for the answers!
Senior Member
28. May 2012 @ 13:34 |
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if you figured in the price of the discs that you have thrown away, and the additional discs that you are going to throw away you could buy the ihas burner and your problems are gone!
AfterDawn Addict
28. May 2012 @ 14:28 |
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Originally posted by 360lifer: Even with that new burner, you could end up wasting a lot of discs until you find the right settings. If you are going to be spending money, you might as well go with the best method out there and thats emulation. Get an x360key and never have to deal with CFW and discs again.
That argument is bullshit and you keep on bringing it. With the xkey and a decent 500 GB harddrive you'd have to spend about 200 US$, the ihas you can get for around 20 to 30 US$, Verbatims cost around 1 US$, depending on how many you buy at a time, which means you'd have to burn 170 games (or 180, but let's say you produce 10 coasters). Let's assume these games have a playtime of 20 hours each, after that they are beaten (sports games have more, shooters have less, I think that ballances, not considering online play). That would be 3400 hours of playtime. Let's also assume you play 2 hours per day every day, so that would be enough playtime for 1700 days. That's around 4.65 years. So after 4.65 years the costs for the xkey and burning equal (assuming the harddrive still works and dind't have to be replaced). I didn't even add the interest into my calculation, because you don't have to spend the money at once and can keep it in your bank account, that would maybe add another 5 to 10 disks to the calculation.
By the way, the next Xbox version is getting released around Christmas 2013.
Also at the moment the xkey might be the technically better solution, but the more people use it the more Microsoft is going to want to do something against it. And if they find a way you might end up with a useless 100 US$ device.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.
Senior Member
28. May 2012 @ 14:38 |
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^^That's basically why I didn't bother with a drive emulator. I already have a bunch of games on disc and blank discs cost me 70-80p each. It's nice having all games on a hard drive, but it's too late in the generation to switch now IMO - if you're in my situation that is.
Click HERE for up to date 360 tutorials that may help you!
Senior Member
2. June 2012 @ 09:53 |
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I'm a firm believer in not fixing things that aren't broken. I can afford a drive emulator as well, but I've already invested money into tools and devices for flashing. Maybe I should change my name to I've been MORE than fine burning XGD2 and XGD3 on Memorex discs (25 for $15 shipped) for a couple years now. Don't get me wrong, I would advise everyone to buy Verbatim if they have the chance...I've just been lucky enough to have good burns on Memorex (if it ain't broke...yada yada).
So back to the OP (sorry for the ramble)...get yourself a burnermax iHas burner...still found for less than a pack of dual layer discs in some places...if it doesn't work out for you, go up to the next level. You can always resell the damned thing to someone else if turns out you don't want it. I suspect this is a cash issue as it wouldn't be an issue of contention if you had the cash. Burnermax abilities are really impressive, no ban-related issues thus far, while emulation has been frowned upon by the guys in the know, and performed really well for the guys who've taken the risks. The questions is always though, for how long?
"All drives should be updated to Lite Touch + (LT+) firmware if playing on XBOX live. Samsung drives and pre-78/79 Hitachi drives do not utilize AP 2.5. All other drives are considered to be detectable by Microsoft (YMMV). Make sure all rips are ABGX verified, contain SSv2, and patched AP2.5 (where needed). XGD3 must currently be burned on new drive with PC Burner Max firmware for 100% rip. All modded consoles can be potentially unsafe for use on XBOX live."
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AfterDawn Addict
2. June 2012 @ 10:20 |
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Originally posted by funksoulb: I already have a bunch of games on disc and blank discs cost me 70-80p each................. it's too late in the generation to switch now.
Same here. That's the only reason I don't have one.
10. September 2013 @ 13:33 |
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