I need to temporarily use a 150w power supply with a 203w system. This is just to fix the RROD for when I get my new power supply but that won't be for a while. I filed down the two things that stop it from fitting in the slot, and it feels like it fits (I don't know if it really does) but it still will not power on. It works with my friend's 150w Jasper, so the PSU is good. Is there any way to get this to work? I know it stresses everything but I just want to fix the system and do basic things, not put it under load. Note, I do not want to modify a computer's PSU. Thanks for any help!
Your gonna fix the rrod, and screw something else up. Theres a reason why the connector ports don't fit. The old 203w systems were POWER HUNGRY... and I believe they needed all 200+ watts whether it was under load or not... your just not supplying enough juice to the system, thats why it won't power on. Remember as with most electronics, theres a power spike when you initially turn it on.. all 203 watts is being pulled (give or take), then as everything becomes stable, it reduces consumption. Either wait until you get your 203 brick, or go borrow a friends or something... otherwise your just asking for more problems.
So the old models that came with the 203 Watt PSU are drawing just over 150 Watts even when they're just idling, and while the rating of PSUs probably isn't exact, you'd be pushing a 150 Watt PSU to the max and possibly beyond.
yeah i have always thought that it would be safe to drop down one block, but never even entered my mind to drop 2, i'm not really sure why MS felt the need to change the power supply, if you plug a 150w board into a 203w it only uses what it needs, so why not just leave the brick 203w for all systems!