Hey guys. Ok so my friend gave me this Xbox he's had for awhile because it red ringed. So I fixed the problem it was a 0020 and I did the xclamp mod. Anyways before I did the mod it red ringed on boot. Well not its all great and starts up and plays perfect for like 2 hours. Then it freezes with no rings. The sound glitches then the video just stays still no pixeling or lines. I'm kinda confused cause it could be the video chip gpu or CPU. Anyway I have a whisper Max in it with a modified tunnel to give more air flow out. The Xbox is really old cause it doesn't have HDMI still has all the old heatsinks like CPU and the memory has that gum stuff on it I guess to act as a heatsink. Anyway the gpu gets really hot like almost to the point where you cab touch it. And the CPU gets a little hotter than the gpu but no where near as extreme. Any ideas? Thanks!
Am guessing the GPU is overheating, which means you need to make sure that the xclamp mod went well, and that you didn't apply too much paste, or too little, and that the screws are tight enough
But it doesn't make sense because the heatsink is supposed to get hot to disperse the heat. If anything its not enough paste but that wouldn't make sense. Any other suggestions?
Originally posted by 3lement: But it doesn't make sense because the heatsink is supposed to get hot to disperse the heat. If anything its not enough paste but that wouldn't make sense. Any other suggestions?
It can cause issues both ways, to much or to little paste. Would always recommend using AS5.
Problem is that the xclamp wont fix it for long, you may get a few days, a few weeks or maybe a couple of months it will give up eventually so ideally you need a reflow, look for someone in your area to do a reflow/reball, cost around £30 - £40.
If you cant afford it or you cant find anyone in your local area, you can do a heatgun fix. Search for "w00ly heatgun" on here for a decent guide.