Cinavia Fix -- No need to Mod or Hack
17. November 2012 @ 09:22 |
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So the work around is to play them via xbox? Getting the problem on both ps3 and samsung bluray player
10. December 2012 @ 13:09 |
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Originally posted by StevenNewcastle: Hello everybody, this is my first post. I just want to share my simple solution to the Cinavia problem on PS3. There are currently 3 solutions I know of. The first one is MKV2VOB which patches DTS audio, but very rarely works and if you do get it to work, the resulting file is normally unplayable. The second solution is to stream the file using PS3 media server, however on high definition content, it will hardly ever play 100% smoothly over the network. And solution 3 is by creating a backup using DVDfab which defeats the point of MKV's and portable hard drives. I found a solution that works 100% of the time so you can just play it from your external hard drive as per normal.
For the bypass to work, you need an external sounds system, preferably connected to your PS3 via an optical cable. Make sure you have the sound setting on your PS3 set to bitstream and have it streaming it's audio to your amp via the optical setting on your PS3.
You need 3 free applications. MKVExtract, tsMuxer and spdifer.exe. For MKVExtract and tsMuxer, it is easier if you download them along with their GUI's.
Once you have these applications ready to use, open the MKV file you wish to play in MKVExtract. Extract the video and the audio. Once extracted, you need to run the extracted .dts file through spdifer.exe by opening command prompt and using the command "spdifer input.DTS output.WAV -wav" without the quotation marks. By doing this, you are changing the audio header to 2.0 LPCM to trick the PS3 into sending the whole decoding procedure to your AMP. Once spdifer has finished, open tsMuxer and add both the video you extracted earlier and the new .WAV file you have created. Make sure the output in tsMuxer is set to 'TS muxing', then click on the 'Split & cut' tab and select 'split by size every 4.000 GB'. Then click 'Start muxing'.
The resulting file is now ready to be played on your PS3. Your AMP will see the stream as DTS and will play it in it's original format with no loss of quality. Because all audio decoding is done by your AMP and none of it by your PS3, the PS3 will not detect the Cinavia watermark and will not interrupt your viewing pleasure. This is also a good workaround for non Cinavia protected MKV files where you want to retain the DTS audio.
Happy times!
This method worked for me as far as I can tell when I did this a cinavia message no longer popped up. Need to test a few more of my BluRays and see though. One problem I did have is it converts to .ts instead of MKV and then my Samsung Smart BluRay won't play it..and I prefer my BluRay over my PS3 for playback.
Also, I didn't have to use the optical...seemed to work the HDMI? (although you lose the DTS that way I think?)
20. December 2012 @ 01:30 |
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The Solution I have found is an HTPC then play them that way...a) more customization, you have cool covers and themeable player (XBMC) and b) no Cinavia since it's playing through the PC not a Bluray play or PS3..
23. January 2013 @ 21:13 |
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Extremely interested in a valid solution to the problem of cinavi
19. February 2013 @ 18:09 |
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Solution: Spend $50 or less on a Patriot Box Office or similar quality media player box, which plays every video format known to man perfectly, and never worry about the problem again. They stopped making the PBO recently in favor of their newer version, but you can pick them up on eBay for under $50, with remote. They're tiny, with space inside for an internal notebook drive, plus two external USB ports for additional hard drives or thumb drives. Why put up with the headaches trying to watch the movies on the PS3 (which I have as well, but never use for movies).
22. March 2013 @ 17:22 |
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I have looked at every possible way of getting around Cinavia.
Every time I think I have found a solution - suddenly it stops working.
The ONLY solution I found was to put the video file on a media ie. DVD or USB stick and play through another player. This works every time.
There are DVD/BR players still out there that are not effected by Cinavia. google it - buy it.
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27. May 2013 @ 19:21 |
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that cinX is bullcrap... anyone that even remotely knows how cinavia works will tell you that you cant just remove the watermarks... mind you this is for both video AND audio using Advanced Access Content System (AACS)
read about it here
you can get audio that has not been watermarked... that's the proper solution... even more proper solution get a player that has no cinavia implemented... here a proper quote
Quote: The Cinavia protection works by preventing playback of protected Blu-Rays and DVDs on newer Blu-Ray players by incorporating a watermark that is checked against a key which is part of the AACS protection. For example, if a pirate would use a camera to record a movie in a movie theater, the protection would see a movie theater watermark, instead of a consumer movie watermark and if it finds something else than it expects it will stop playback of the disc.
here... even a better quote... from here...
Quote: The watermarking and steganography facility provided by Cinavia is designed to stay within the audio signal and to survive all common forms of audio transfer, including lossy data compression using discrete cosine transform, MP3, DTS, or Ogg Vorbis. It is designed to survive digital and analogue sound recording and reproduction via microphones, direct audio connections and broadcasting, and does so by using audio frequencies within the hearing range. It is monaural and not a multichannel codec.
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
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28. May 2013 @ 02:43 |
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Originally posted by thewonderer1: edited by ddp
i tryed all 3 of your links and the only download i can see if 1 that wants me to fill out some spam survey with valid information before download (i have actually filled 1 out before and download didnt start anyway).also tryed torrent search and google search of cin x.seaches came up with nothing.
i have heard of the cinivia fix the paid one.basically similar to the xbox dvd copy wizard pay a fee they give you a word file with links that tell you to download free ware and give you a set of instructions.
playback on usb drive on ps3 doesnt trigger cinivia.
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28. May 2013 @ 05:37 |
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Originally posted by thewonderer1: eh IDK how it does it, I'm just saying CinX works for me :P Have you tired it or just blowing hot air?
how about this... post that so called program eh? and no i dont want that shoft url(adfly).... nor do i want a survey site.... put a normal link lets see this so called app working eh?... i mean its free right?..... prove it works and no video on youtube does not prove anything.... slysoft and dvdfab so far the only people who actually trying to beat it here have a look and here
Quote: 2013 03 05
- New: Option to disable Cinavia detection when using AnyDVD with ArcSoft
TMT 5.3, TMT 6.0 or PowerDVD 12
- New: Rip to image will create sparse files to reduce the size of
required disc space and faster image creation
- New (Blu-ray): Support for new discs
- New (DVD): Support for new discs
- Fix (DVD): Removing annoyances could make some discs unplayable
- Some minor fixes and improvements
oh and BTW did you know DEX ps3 does not have cinavia enabled? and if you take the proper SPRX files from DEX FW and put them inside a normal CFW it will disable cinavia there aswell?
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
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28. May 2013 @ 13:55 |
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im not blowing hot air.... all im asking is just upload the program on some file host its not that hard is it?...
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
Senior Member
28. May 2013 @ 18:21 |
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Originally posted by thewonderer1: lol are you still blowing hot air at me, look I didn't make the program, I simply mentioned that its the one I use, fussing at me and asking me to prove someone elses programs, lol what next you'll be telling me to prove Microsoft is a company smh...... geee sorry for trying to share my opinion here......
either shut up or put (a working link) up, i dont really care as i can play all my files including mkv 3d thru show time but i smell horse shit
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29. May 2013 @ 03:33 |
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PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2013 @ 03:34
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10. June 2013 @ 16:27 |
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So much confusion, don't know who to believe.
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10. June 2013 @ 18:02 |
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if there was a real solution to cinavia you would have heard it by now...
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
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10. June 2013 @ 18:35 |
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Originally posted by FredBun: So much confusion, don't know who to believe.
believe Cyprien
Senior Member
11. June 2013 @ 02:31 |
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Originally posted by tongs007: Originally posted by FredBun: So much confusion, don't know who to believe.
believe Cyprien
i honestly thought cyprien was blowing hot air thats why i checked the links and did some searching my self and i found out he was right.
as you can see from my post i believe cyprien.
custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.
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11. June 2013 @ 03:36 |
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im flattered :3 at least some folks around this forum don't fall for scams ^_^
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
11. June 2013 @ 15:32 |
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As I said year+ ago, the only real fix is to play through a player that doesn't have cinavia. That's why HTPC is perfect.
I got sick of using PS3 Media server and having cinavia pop up that I built a rather inexpensive HTPC and now I have an awesome system in my house..and no cinavia issues.
Any websites you see about a) Cinavia fix b) PS3 Jailbreak current models, are scams.
4. September 2013 @ 02:05 |
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Originally posted by ceceliagibson: edited by ddp
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. September 2013 @ 20:39
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4. September 2013 @ 17:52 |
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lol not sure why this thread is still open, both the first post and post #52 have scam or virus software.
Junior Member
5. September 2013 @ 11:23 |
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Originally posted by c0dezer0: Well apparently I cannot add links since I just recently joined. Guess its good way to prevent spam...I guess if anyone is interested just message me and I will send you the links.
*EDIT---Just put the links in my signature lulz*
please can u send me the link
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1 product review
5. September 2013 @ 23:58 |
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Originally posted by marcusita: lol not sure why this thread is still open, both the first post and post #52 have scam or virus software.
i agree... this thread needs to be closed... shame i cant be a mod here :( well i reported the scam folks in this thread i hope this one will be locked ^_^
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
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6. September 2013 @ 20:40 |
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spammer spammed, post edited.