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I am unable to see any games in multiman
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Senior Member
14. March 2012 @ 22:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am pretty green when it comes to playing PS3 backups. I just got my PlayStation a couple of months ago. I played a few backups and then put it away for a while. Now I cannot see any backups in multiman. It doesn't matter whether the game is on an internal or external drive. Nothing is showing up.

I am sure that my external drive is formatted in the proper format for the PS3. The games are in a folder called gamez, I am not sure what else to do.

Thank you in advance for any help.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. March 2012 @ 22:43

Senior Member
14. March 2012 @ 23:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Which multiman version are you using?

Also try backing up one of your game again and see if it appears. If so then it will mean that the folder your games are in is not being recognized. The folder should either be called GAMES or GAMEZ, in capital letters not small case.

Senior Member
17. March 2012 @ 16:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
Which multiman version are you using?

Also try backing up one of your game again and see if it appears. If so then it will mean that the folder your games are in is not being recognized. The folder should either be called GAMES or GAMEZ, in capital letters not small case.
I did check, and for some reason on my external drive the gamez had been written in lowercase. I changed everything to uppercase but it does not seem to make a difference.

How do I tell what version of multi-man I have? It was installed by someone else.
Also, can someone walk me through the brooding a game? It has been a few months since I have done it. Plus when I did play with the PS3 I only played with it for a short period of time
Senior Member
18. March 2012 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
erm is the drive formatted in fat32 or ntfs?

There should be an option somewhere in the multiman menus which will show the version, the latest is 4.02.xx or something, this ones is the one release by cobra team.

Have you tried backing up one of your original games yet? see if that worked?

Senior Member
22. March 2012 @ 22:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The drive is formatted in fat 32 because I thought it was required. But now I see where you are given the option to go back and forth between the two formats.

I am still not sure what version I am running. I will check that out tomorrow. If there's one thing I have learned is that you should not fiddle with electronics when you are tired. That seems to only lead to stupid questions for me anyway.

I have tried making different backups and they are still not showing up.

Can someone just give me a brief refresher of what I am supposed to do in order to load the game? Possibly I am doing something moronic and that would explain my entire problem
Senior Member
1. April 2012 @ 20:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I still have not been able to fix the issue. Are you able to play games if a hard drive is formatted in NTFS? I had read a while ago I believe that it must be in fat 16 or 32I do not remember which.
Senior Member
2. April 2012 @ 07:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No must be on FAT32 and the largest partition it will detect it 2TB.

What firmware is your PS3 on? Has it been updated accidentally to one above 3.55?

Try copying a game to the internal PS3 hdd and see if multiman works then. If not then you probably are not on 3.55 or there is something else wrong with your ps3.

Senior Member
2. April 2012 @ 22:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
No must be on FAT32 and the largest partition it will detect it 2TB.

What firmware is your PS3 on? Has it been updated accidentally to one above 3.55?

Try copying a game to the internal PS3 hdd and see if multiman works then. If not then you probably are not on 3.55 or there is something else wrong with your ps3.
I am away from my PS3 at the moment. Could you tell me how to check what version of firmware is on my system? I'm almost positive I did not accidentally update the firmware. I have been really careful about the backups I have been playing. Plus I don't even remember what the screen to update the firmware looks like.
Senior Member
23. April 2012 @ 17:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
According to the system information screen on the PS3 by firmware is 3.55. I'm not really sure what else to trySo, I would like to try to update multiman. I know it is probably a very basic question. Can anyone tell me how to safely update multiman? When I purchased my PS3 it was already installed on the system.

I have searched through the forms and I am unable to find anything telling me how to safely update multiman.

I know it is a newbie question but, I would really appreciate any well meant response.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. April 2012 @ 18:34

Senior Member
23. April 2012 @ 21:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The latest Cobra version is available on their website,

Dean has not made an official update for quite a while but this cobra one is the latest unofficial one.

First either install Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.02.00 FULL

Or install Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.02.00 BASE

then install Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.02.04 UPDATE

Note you must install the FULL or BASE version first! Then the update one after, you cannot install just the update.
The Full version just comes with some themes as well as a large collection of game covers, the Base does not.

Also are you sure kmeaw has been installed on the ps3? Or is it on ofw 3.55? Is the install package icon under the games menu? You may need to reinstall kmeaw cfw, but install it via the recovery menu instead.

It's kindda hard to find a real copy of kmeaw now. But you can check any cfw you download with this cfw validator program, download link is :

So clik File and open the pup file with this validator and if it says Kmeaw 3.55 after it checks it then you are ok to install on your ps3.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. April 2012 @ 14:13

Senior Member
24. April 2012 @ 21:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
The latest Cobra version is available on their website,

Dean has not made an official update for quite a while but this cobra one is the latest unofficial one.

First either install Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.02.00 FULL

Or install Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.02.00 BASE

then install Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.02.04 UPDATE

Note you must install the FULL or BASE version first! Then the update one after, you cannot install just the update.
The Full version just comes with some themes as well as a large collection of game covers, the Base does not.

Also are you sure kmeaw has been installed on the ps3? Or is it on ofw 3.55? Is the install package icon under the games menu? You may need to reinstall kmeaw cfw, but install it via the recovery menu instead.

It's kindda hard to find a real copy of kmeaw now. But you can check any cfw you download with this cfw validator program, download link is :

So clik File and open the pup file with this validator and if it says Kmeaw 3.55 after it checks it then you are ok to install on your ps3.
Thanks for the info. I noticed that cobra is not a free application. I was looking for something that was free. Multi-man is still free isn't it? Can you give me a quick tutorial on how to install that?
I am kind of frustrated with not being able to have my PS3 do what I want it to do. So I have been considering a pay solution. I have been considering buying the true blue USB device. Is that still a worthwhile device? I remember back in the day when I used to have a modified Nintendo Wii. Mod chip resellers would actually have older mod chips but you had no way of knowing they were outdated.
I barely played many of my backups before I started having problems so I wouldn't necessarily mind paying for a solution if I was able to quickly and conveniently play my backups again.

This is probably a really dumb question but I'm going to ask it anyway. If you get the true blue USB device is it simply plug and play or do you have to other applications loaded on the PS3?
Thank you for all the info you have been a tremendous help.

Thanks again. You're the man
Senior Member
25. April 2012 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Multiman is a free resource, but others are free to modify it and add to it as long as they keep it free.

Cobra have done this with their multiman, it's just that most of the added bits you require their dongle. It will still work normall on other dongle-free cfw ps3s. The cobra MM is also the latest one anyone has release as deank hasnt added anythign ins quite some time. So dont worry about installing it from the links above.

Just download and copy the pkg to a usb memory stick, put it in your ps3, goto the game menu and click the Install Package icon, then click on the pkg. If you copy both the Full/Base and the update pkg to the memory stick, make sure you install the Full/Base one first, the pkgs will have identical names apart from towards the end they say FULL or BASE or UPDATE. Or you can rename them before copying to the memory stick to make sure.

Takes a few seconds to install and the MM icon will appear in the game menu. and just click to load.

NOTE: IF you are having trouble getting this working, you will still have trouble getting a paid dongle one working as well.

With True Blue, you will first need to install their cfw on your ps3. they also release firmware updates for the dongle itself. But again you will still need to use a backup manager to run the games.

Senior Member
25. April 2012 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
Multiman is a free resource, but others are free to modify it and add to it as long as they keep it free.

Cobra have done this with their multiman, it's just that most of the added bits you require their dongle. It will still work normall on other dongle-free cfw ps3s. The cobra MM is also the latest one anyone has release as deank hasnt added anythign ins quite some time. So dont worry about installing it from the links above.

Just download and copy the pkg to a usb memory stick, put it in your ps3, goto the game menu and click the Install Package icon, then click on the pkg. If you copy both the Full/Base and the update pkg to the memory stick, make sure you install the Full/Base one first, the pkgs will have identical names apart from towards the end they say FULL or BASE or UPDATE. Or you can rename them before copying to the memory stick to make sure.

Takes a few seconds to install and the MM icon will appear in the game menu. and just click to load.

NOTE: IF you are having trouble getting this working, you will still have trouble getting a paid dongle one working as well.

With True Blue, you will first need to install their cfw on your ps3. they also release firmware updates for the dongle itself. But again you will still need to use a backup manager to run the games.
Thanks for the great advice, again. I will give it a try and let you know how it goes.
As soon as I left my last response I realized that there is no way the true blue device could be purely plug and play because you would need to have a backup manager running anyway.
Senior Member
25. September 2012 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I know I have been a little erratic with my posting to this thread. But I would like to thank everyone for their help. I've now the time and motivation to finish this little project.

It has been a while so I was wondering if the utilities/platforms mentioned here are still the best methodology for playing backups?

I spent a lot of time trying to find the multiman/cobra USB files. I can't find any working downloads or links for the latest version. Can somebody point me to a link that works for the latest version of the utilities?

Thanks in advance for the help. I really appreciate it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. September 2012 @ 17:48 > forums > consoles > ps3 - modding & hacking > i am unable to see any games in multiman

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