Jailbreak 4.00/CFW 4.00
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30. December 2011 @ 19:13 |
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i've seen some posts on the net relating to this 4.00 jailbreak and that but not to sure about it as not seen to many as you would like to see if you know what i mean.
This would be perfect for me as my PS3 is on 4.00 and don't really like the idea of having to buy a flasher to downgrade the FW.
If anyone has more infomation about this could you please let me know cheers
Senior Member
30. December 2011 @ 19:36 |
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There is no cfw 4.0!!! There is no jailbreak for 4.0!!!
If there was it would be posted everywhere! It may start at a few forums but you can be sure if it is real it would be plastered in ever corner of the web within days!
So no, I have not heard of it, until someone posts a confirmation on this or other main forums, you can pretty much consider it to be fake.
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30. December 2011 @ 20:42 |
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Originally posted by bigo93: There is no cfw 4.0!!! There is no jailbreak for 4.0!!!
If there was it would be posted everywhere! It may start at a few forums but you can be sure if it is real it would be plastered in ever corner of the web within days!
So no, I have not heard of it, until someone posts a confirmation on this or other main forums, you can pretty much consider it to be fake.
i've been seeing it on a few sites now all i typed into google was jailbreak 4.00/CFW 4.00 and loads came up.
i'm not saying its real but there is loads there.
Added 31/12/11 at 03:50am utc+ 00:00
well i've just made my mind up and that is what was said to me these JailBreaks 4.00 and CFW 4.00 are FAKE but the sound of these there is some in the making but no-body knows when or even if they will be released.
I think i would miss PSN to much if i did soft mod my PS3 but also i would like to keep my game disc's as new as possible ummmmm what to do ????
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. December 2011 @ 22:54
Senior Member
31. December 2011 @ 02:42 |
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SOriginally posted by pomp3y: Originally posted by bigo93: There is no cfw 4.0!!! There is no jailbreak for 4.0!!!
If there was it would be posted everywhere! It may start at a few forums but you can be sure if it is real it would be plastered in ever corner of the web within days!
So no, I have not heard of it, until someone posts a confirmation on this or other main forums, you can pretty much consider it to be fake.
i've been seeing it on a few sites now all i typed into google was jailbreak 4.00/CFW 4.00 and loads came up.
i'm not saying its real but there is loads there.
Added 31/12/11 at 03:50am utc+ 00:00
well i've just made my mind up and that is what was said to me these JailBreaks 4.00 and CFW 4.00 are FAKE but the sound of these there is some in the making but no-body knows when or even if they will be released.
I think i would miss PSN to much if i did soft mod my PS3 but also i would like to keep my game disc's as new as possible ummmmm what to do ????
Sit back and wait dude or buy a dongle.
Senior Member
31. December 2011 @ 02:42 |
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SOriginally posted by pomp3y: Originally posted by bigo93: There is no cfw 4.0!!! There is no jailbreak for 4.0!!!
If there was it would be posted everywhere! It may start at a few forums but you can be sure if it is real it would be plastered in ever corner of the web within days!
So no, I have not heard of it, until someone posts a confirmation on this or other main forums, you can pretty much consider it to be fake.
i've been seeing it on a few sites now all i typed into google was jailbreak 4.00/CFW 4.00 and loads came up.
i'm not saying its real but there is loads there.
Added 31/12/11 at 03:50am utc+ 00:00
well i've just made my mind up and that is what was said to me these JailBreaks 4.00 and CFW 4.00 are FAKE but the sound of these there is some in the making but no-body knows when or even if they will be released.
I think i would miss PSN to much if i did soft mod my PS3 but also i would like to keep my game disc's as new as possible ummmmm what to do ????
Sit back and wait dude or buy a dongle.
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31. December 2011 @ 14:44 |
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don't know why even though i've been told it's not out and i said to my self its not out i keep looking for it lol
well theres nothing i can do why did i let my little girl update my ps3 :'(
i'll probably go off the idea by the time it hit's if it hits at all
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31. December 2011 @ 21:12 |
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i have a tru blu dongle and to my suprise it works well,,
microsoft after a ban wave
Senior Member
1. January 2012 @ 07:34 |
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Originally posted by coorva: i have a tru blu dongle and to my suprise it works well,,
But again that's if you are already on 3.55 :P
Still nothing for anything above 3.56.
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1. January 2012 @ 12:52 |
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yeah that's the main problem for all those that is wondering i have found this have a read.
November 21 2011 by kakaroto
Clarifications about 3.73 (and 4.0) “jailbreak”
I tested the jailbreak on the latest firmware 4.0 since it was released and I can confirm that it still works. Mathieulh also confirmed that the NPDRM algo that he has still allows applications to run on 4.0, although he still doesn’t want to share that with us/me at the moment.
Mathieulh is still thinking about whether or not to share it, so I’m hopeful he’ll help us move forward with the release.
He has however received so many hate messages and so many flaming that he is completely disgusted with the scene and the way it treated him. He is so disgusted that he does not want to share or help anymore. He thinks that all those haters do not deserve to be given something that they are so ungrateful for, and I perfectly understand his position. Receiving all that hate towards me a while back also made me depressed to the point I stopped looking at the PS3 entirely.
Next time you want to insult a dev, thinking it’s “fun” or that he deserved it, think about it some more, you are poisoning the scene without even realizing it. We are all doing this for fun, the only reward we get is people’s gratitude, and all you do is hate and disrespect us, so why continue to do what we do?
For those who hate and insult : Mathieulh may not be acting the way you want him to, you may think he’s a jerk or hate him for teasing without releasing, but the simple fact remains that he has done more to the scene that you did, so you should just shut up and show him respect. When you have your little ‘hate fun’, you are actually contributing to the scene, but in the wrong way, you are killing it by killing the developer’s motivation.
For now, Mathieulh doesn’t want to share his work with me, and I’m not mad or disappointed at all at him, I am mad and disgusted at those who made him make that decision. So please, if you are just as mad as I am, do NOT make this an opportunity to hate even more on Mathieulh for not sharing, make this an opportunity to show gratitude where it’s due and educate those who are ungrateful on what their role is/was in this scene.
Hi all,
I’ve been flooded with questions on twitter and I’ve read many posts on news sites and I’ve seen some stuff being said on IRC and I thought I needed to clarify a few things…
First of all, I didn’t expect to see my tweet front paged on all ps3 hacking news sites.. although I should have expected it.. but anyways, the “jailbreak” is not ready to be used, at all. I only tweeted that because I was excited having it working and I wanted to share my excitement with everyone. But this is a bit equivalent to the day I released that create_cfw.sh script that created the very first CFW/MFW but it still took a couple of months before a real, easy, multiplatform and fully fledged solution was released : PS3MFW.
We are currently at the same state, I have the proof of concept, it works, but a solution that anyone can use where they just click a button and their PS3 gets jailbroken is still far from ready.
I’ve seen people say (and even write it in their front page news) that I’ll release it in two weeks after I come back from vacation. That is not true and I never said that. What I said was that for the next 2 weeks, the project is on hold until I get back.. but when I get back, then I will continue working on it, and it will then take some more time before it’s ready and released.
Some asked if it’s based on what gitbrew was doing/suggesting or if I used someone else’s exploit or work. No, this solution is my own idea and 100% my own implementation. However, the actual solution for the full jailbreak involves some components on which I will not work, and I expect/hope that someone else will provide the solution for that.
Some speculated it might be what I spoke about back in March which I later said I wasn’t pursuing by lack of motivation.. and yes, you are right. The same hack I had in March is still valid today, I told a few people about it (rms, Mathieulh, an0nym0us, and a couple more), but no one was interested in pursuing it further and actually exploiting that flaw (mainly because it requires a huge amount of work to get a proof of concept working). 10 days ago (I started on the 11th), I got bored and decided to start poking at it again, and yesterday (a lot faster than I thought it would take), I got my first pkg installed on 3.73 firmware.
On twitter, I said “do not update if you are on 3.55″, I said that in response to someone who said he would update. Because of that, people speculated that you need to be on 3.55 first, and then install something before doing the upgrade. No, that’s not it, that would be useless. The purpose of my solution is to jailbreak a ps3 that is already on 3.73 firmware and which had never been jailbroken before. I told people not to update because, first of all, it’s not yet ready, and second of all, the 3.55 firmware gives you a lot more possibilities than what can be achieved on 3.73.
So what is this jailbreak? I won’t say because I don’t want Sony to block it in a firmware update (and yes, they potentially could) before it’s even released (and yes, I will release it when it’s ready). But I will explain this to you : in order to run your homebrew apps, you need two things. First, to be able to install them on the ps3, and second to be able to run it once installed. I did only one of these two things.
Some may say it’s not a real jailbreak, but the way I see it, there are three ‘jails’ on the ps3, I broke the first one which prevents you from installing anything, so now you can install your .pkg, great, but it won’t run, that’s the second jail. The third jail is being able to modify the firmware (peek&poke).
The second jail (running apps) is something that can be done, but it’s not my area of expertise (npdrm algo), so I will not be working on that. I am waiting for someone else to achieve it (some have succeeded but do not wish to release it, at least not for now) then I will release.
The third jail (modifying the firmware) is not possible with my method, this means that you will not have a “CFW”, you will run your homebrew applications and games on an official firmware. This also means that without peek&poke support, none of the backup managers will work. So, again, my solution is piracy-free, and as always, I do not plan on working on a way to enable piracy (or even legal backups).
Overall, the purpose will be to allow people who are on 3.73 firmware to enjoy the homebrew games that were released, to play a bit with Eskiss, and to use Showtime for playing their movies. This should be more than enough for everyone.
Finally, I will conclude by replying to another question I received : Do you accept donations? The answer is yes. I do accept donations but I do not seek them out. I will include a donate button to the bottom of this post, so if anyone wishes to donate, they can do so, however, I want to make it clear that whether or not you donate does not and will not affect in any way, the release, or the progress of the work I’m doing. If you donate, you would do it as a sign of appreciation of my efforts, and not in exchange of any favors or anything crazy like that.
That’s about it I think… If you have any more questions, please refrain from asking them, I get enough as it is already.. I also said everything I needed to say and I don’t want to give any more information than that (for now).
Senior Member
1. January 2012 @ 14:10 |
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Ah kakaroto's work.
First he will not make it to support pirating, so that includes playing legal backups as well.
Second, we have no idea when he will finish it. From his posts he still needs help from a couple other people, one of whom is now well know for boasting about having already done everything that is needed but then refuses to share.
Now if we are lucky and get it released then hopefully someone else will be able to get backups working.
However until then, there is nothing for 4.0 at all.
Senior Member
2. January 2012 @ 23:20 |
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Just found this hxxp://www.ps3crunch.net/forum/threads/2194-True-Blue-patch-for-Downgraded-consoles.?p=23595#post23595
If your willing to downgrade to use tb. Just thought some would like this read.
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16. January 2012 @ 05:21 |
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just thought i would have a look about to see if there was any progress and found some vids and stuff by PS3GeoHotz it seems real but i'm unsure and no one has said that it doesn't work so i may try this out and let everyone know if or not it works.
Just as i thought it didn't work it was/has installed but it's just version 4.00 no added programs and so on i'm hoping one comes out soon but i highly doubt it :(
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. January 2012 @ 17:08