jailbreaking ps3 firmware 4.25
17. October 2012 @ 12:13 |
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hello . i recently download ed jailbreak 4.25 for ps3 from youtube, when i update via storage media it installs it, reboots and it looks like nothings changed. i do not have the install pkg file option. i tried installing in recovery mode and got better results, i had the 'accept conditions' page. but when it installs instead of beeping 4 times and shutting down it reboots and loads the xmb with no 'install pkg file' option. i think the background is supposed to be black but mine is still orange. yesterday after installing it on recovery mode, i had the top of the background black but when i woke up this morning it was back to orange. i must be doing it wrong. any ideas on how to install it?
Senior Member
1 product review
17. October 2012 @ 18:05 |
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nothing will change even if you install it 1000 times.... if you so badly want to brick it be my guest... how about a link then yes?... lets see the so called "jailbreak"... you got lucky with the 4 beeps though... that's a brick alert..
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
18. October 2012 @ 13:55 |
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hello. thanks for the repliy. the url is http://ps3haxblogs.wordpress.com , there are few more on youtube, it looks like it works on the videos. also, if i downgrade can i install linux? whats the newest version of linux that works on ps3 ? can i upgrade to 4.25 after installing and keep linux? illwait for the replies.
AfterDawn Addict
18. October 2012 @ 13:58 |
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Originally posted by mike30: hello. thanks for the repliy. the url is http://ps3haxblogs.wordpress.com , there are few more on youtube, it looks like it works on the videos. also, if i downgrade can i install linux? whats the newest version of linux that works on ps3 ? can i upgrade to 4.25 after installing and keep linux? illwait for the replies.
No. Three questions, one answer.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.
18. October 2012 @ 16:16 |
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hello. i was afraid this wouldn't work. anyone know of a good site to download a downgrade to 3.55. if i downgrade can i jailbreak? ill need a link to download a jailbreak for 3.55 also. it seems like everyone has no problem jailbreaking older firmware. any luck with the link i provided? thanks
Senior Member
1 product review
18. October 2012 @ 22:01 |
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"Complete a Quick Survey to Continue!" yay!... well... way to go.. not only using adfly but also survey file hosts.... making money!.. and no end user results... so much fail... anyway.... there's no jailbreak for 4.25.. believe me i can post a video on youtube showing my "jailbreak" for 4.21 lol... hell i can even do a video of my ps3 reading BDR backups.... and those wont be fake... unlike the usual videos the money whores make out of this fake stuff.... with all the fake videos why wont they run multiman and show system info within multiman that will show its true colors...
PC i7 3770K 8Gb Ram Radeon 290X 4TB WD Black 60Gb SDD
Xbox360 Slim RGH Dash 16202
Xbox360 PHAT 14719 BENQ drive
Black PS3 CECH-L04 PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
White PS3 CECH-2506B PS3ITA 4.50 Converted DEX
Black PS3 DECH-J00A DEX FW4.50
AfterDawn Addict
19. October 2012 @ 00:41 |
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Also you can't download a donwgrader, you need hardware for that.
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.
22. October 2012 @ 18:34 |
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hello i guess theres no way for me to jailbreak my ps3 ? is there anything i can do? what about the hardware? any instructions? thanks ill wait for the replies
Senior Member
22. October 2012 @ 20:16 |
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My best advice would be to do ALOT more research before ever jailbreaking anything. ALOT more research man.
24. October 2012 @ 12:27 |
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ill have to do some research. any links to get me started? thanks
Junior Member
10. December 2012 @ 16:52 |
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Originally posted by mike30: ill have to do some research. any links to get me started? thanks
if you need help downgrading i can help you with that. your slim model number has to be 2500 or lower no 3k or 4k models can be downgraded.
9. January 2013 @ 20:29 |
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Yo, I'm still on the cfw 3.55... I wanna update to latest cfw.. is there a new one?? i havent been on the ps3 scene for a lil while now.... i also gotta xbox that im tryna get done.... any help - appreciate it.... either email or reply here...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. January 2013 @ 20:46
9. January 2013 @ 20:44 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. January 2013 @ 20:45
Senior Member
15. January 2013 @ 04:01 |
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Originally posted by ilimphili: Yo, I'm still on the cfw 3.55... I wanna update to latest cfw.. is there a new one?? i havent been on the ps3 scene for a lil while now.... i also gotta xbox that im tryna get done.... any help - appreciate it.... either email or reply here...
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