hello, i'm having trouble wth my wii64 forwarder and hoping for some help. so i put wii64 on my HDD, with the roms and whatnot, and it runs perfectly through HBC. the problem i'm having is when i set up my forwarder. first i tried using it with just my HDD, but there was some unreadable writing in the topleft corner, and the wii rebooted after i pressed a button. assuming this was because there was no SD in, i put the necessary files on the card and tried again. it booted up from the forwarder, but would not synch the wiimote. i plugged a GC controller in, and that worked, i tried manually setting up the wimote in the settings screen; no dice. next thing i tried was rearranging and adding duplicate files on the SD for wii64 just in case i had that messed up, afterwards all i got was a black screen starting the forwarder. i deleted all files from the SD pertaining to wii64 and set them up again, still no luck. i moved my wad installer to my HDD and removed and reinstalled the forwarder in hopes that it might have been getting confused due to having the SD and the HDD with all necessary files, removed the SD and tried to boot the forwarder again with only the HDD. all i got was a few words in the top left of the screen again that i couldn't make out and the wii restarted. so i don't know what happened but before it just wouldn't synch the wiimote from the forwarder, now all i get is black screen. everything still works from homebrew. could my forwarder be no good? known problem with wii64? something else maybe? thanks
edit: i'm using a softmodded 4.2u wii following larry's guide. i have visual boy, nes, and snesgx working perfectly from forwarders found on the same site as my wii64 forwarder.