So I recently installed a 36 ios so that my gecko would read channels. After I did this, I couldn't get the channels to load, and the usb loader won't load games either. so I reverted back to the ios 36 that I had installed, no good either. Now I have gone through several forums and found similar problems with various fixes and none of them seem to be working. I can only think that on of my ios (has to be connected to how the disc reader believes that there is is a disc in the, as well as the channel loader) has a problem. the channels I am trying to load are all games, as the rest of my chanels(homebrew, mii, weather ect.) all work fine. The error I get is the black screen telling me to eject the disc and turn off power then read the manual. I'm pretty stumped here, does anyone have any ideas? Oh ya, I'm on system menu 4.3 Bill
Haha, ok so I remembered that I haven't really messed around with channels, or my usb loader since I installed the wiikey fusion. After looking around the forums, I found someone with a similar problem after installing wiikey. The fix there was to wait for an update, but in the meantime, when channel loading or usb loading, turn off the wiikey. Because of the way it talks to the disc drive, the wii key was goofing with the channels loading. Funny thing is, I think I remember my channels working right after installing the wiikey. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, there's the fix to that particular problem, Cheers