Hey guys I have a modded wii with a d2ckey in it. I have not been keeping up to date for a while with the latest on the modding scene, so I updated my Wii to 4.3e from nintendo. Am I screwed? I have a few iso that I have removed the update and burnt to dic but all I get is files corrupted errors on the wii.
Is there any way to fix this? I tried to update to the latest nintendo software but just get error 32022....
Originally posted by 12137: I'm not following you. When you turn on the wii, do you get the "Systems Files Are Corrupted" message, or can you still get to the wii menu?
Hey, sorry for not being clear, Tried a few other iso's burnt to disc. Pretty much cant recognize the disc. Just wondering if updating to 4.3e from nintendo has affected the capabilities of my chip? Original games work fine
Well, I think Nintendo's update has definitely affected your modchip. 4.3 is the latest attempt to stop hackers, & of course is the most effective. At the moment, 4.3 is unhackable, just loading bannerbomb gives you error 004. There will come a time when hackers will defeat 4.3, but in the meantime, you cannot downgrade it, so don't try. My advice is to remove your modchip & just wait a while for hackers to release the softmod method (if softmodding 4.3 is possible).
There is no written information saying that 4.3 will kill the modchip, at least it will stop you from playing out-of-region games, but that was the 4.2 update. Like I said we'll just have wait for the professionals to hack 4.3. It might be worth asking at your local modshop if you can get another modchip that will work.