Okay, so my wii isn't new, it was bought in February of 2007. i burned about 8 different games over the past few months, using memorax, imgburn at x4, & all the games worked perfectly. my wii is soft modded, neogamma v7, Ios 249, wii system menu 4.2. everythine worked perfectly, then one day i decided to be an idiot & play Force Unleashed, the real copy of the game, & after a while the game crashed saying to refer to the operations manual blah blah... so then i popped in metal slug anthology, (burned) which i played & beatenb many many times before with this burned copy. well when i popped it in neogamma had trouible reading it & when the screen went black iut said refer to operations manual. i tried it again a few more times, same thing happened, well i got frustrated & just popped the disc out as it was having trouble reading, now it just says dvd read error 1101, on all my burned discs, no, not just the burned, all my wii discs. the real copies, & the burned copies, neither work. not even Gc games. & this all happened after i played god damn star wars... so none of my games work period. there has to be a way to fix it, if i have to resort to freaking usb, i might as well go & buy my games... & a new wii... cause none of my gaems work. i'm hoping it's just something i installed & if i update everything would go back to normal. help please?
first, you should be buying the games already. and THEN backing them up.
second, get rid of the crappy memorex. either verbatims or taiyo yudens.
error 1101 is specific to neogamma. supposedly, neogamma v6 with cios36_rev10 is the choice to use, but with the new games coming out, it's really recommended to use a hard drive and usb loader. i have yet to encounter any problems with a usb loader since it debuted.