Originally posted by cee43ja1: why? 4.3 can be softmodded with no problems. it's just more work with all of the IOS stubs in place.
Its my m8s wii she has the same soft mod as my daughter has in her wii but a lot of games wont play but they all play on my daughters wii which has 4.1 firmware
Originally posted by cee43ja1: if the wii was just updated to 4.3, then it wiped out all IOS 200 and higher. so you would have to reinstall them.
if it's a fresh out of the box 4.3, then you would have to remove the stubs first, then install the cIOS of your choice.
also, if you are running from a disc, new wiis CANNOT use the disc drive, regardless of firmware. the dvd drive is incapable of reading backup game.
She had 4.1 on it last year but got a backup game which said to update firmware which she did, she cannot remember which game it was but now with 4.3 she cant play a lot of the games but I can play them on daughters 4.1 firmware.
So being a newby with wii how would I go about putting them back on. can I get a disc somewhere with it on or download and put it on disc