7) Restart your NintendoWii and then Re-run Homebrew Channel, then load 'Dop-IOS v8' Keep pressing right until you find IOS53 and press A to select yes to install and Sig Hash Check. Do the same for IOS55 and IOS70. Next press home to return to homebrew channel. on this guide
i couldn't complete the step because i did not have an internet connection, so i got a lan adapter, plugged it in, loaded up homebrew channel and now no aps are showing up, homebrew loads fine but no aps.
I am thinking there are some files on the SD card now screwing it up and i need to wipe it, but what files must i leave on it?
thank you
here is a ss of my SD card, something ehre is messing it up so that none of the aps are showing up