OK, after 4 hours of researching and reading. I an more confused as ever. Heck, I am having a headache now.
SO, I've been out of the WII scene for a while now, last game played was Super Mario Bro Smash...
By reading these post, I supposed M Galaxy 2 and Prince of Persion and some of these new games will not work unless it the WII gets updated.
Here's what I have: Wii with original WiiKey 1.9g. Firmware is 3.2U. Now all the games I have works fine, but just want to know what it'll take to play these new games.
From the reading, people are stating using homebrew, neogamma and gekoOS would work. Some say with hardmodded, just use neogamma. Well, before I get to neogamma. I need help in installing HOMEBREW to a 3.2U WII. Can anyone point me to a guy that show installing homebrew to a 3.2u WII? I've found some guide for installing homebrew, but it didnt state for what version of WII.
Now, from what i understand, after homebrew is installed, load neogamma from homebrew while the game is in the dvd drive and chose to launch the game from DVD? That way the game is playable, but it doesnt up the WII firmware?
Now, all my games are load from DISC.
any help is greatly appreciated........
thank you in advances.....