I bought my Wii around the launch, somewhere in China.
Its NTSC-J, and I'm PREEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTY sure its using WiiKey 1.
About a month ago, I downloaded Call of Duty World At War (The PAL version).
QUITE OBVIOUSLY, it ran through an update, and the game didn't work. So I threw that aside.
My games still worked, there was no other symptoms of semi-brickedness other than the duplicate channels, which I thought were caused by the workings of my brother, who alike me, has no grasp of the Japanese language.
I tried to enter settings, and it gave me the whole JPN/JPN/JP.index01 opera error.
So I searched that up and I found I had a semi bricked Wii.
No problem, I downloaded the Semi-brick wii fix for NTSC-J, burnt it using IMGBURN, popped it in the system, Black screen with White text, telling me to close my Wii. I assume this is the "DISK NOT RECOGNIZED" equivalent on a JAP system.
I went on the internet, got the "fixed" or revamp version of NTSC-J, burnt it on IMGBURN, same problem.
Desperate, I went into an all out frenzy to find any answer that would solve my problem. Downloaded the Homebrew Channel and burnt it using IMGBURN, yet the SAME error.
I really do think this is a problem on IMGBURN's part, but that wouldn't make sense because its the most widely recommended burnig software for Wii games.
What, oh what should I do?
Worst comes to worse, could I perhaps remove my modchip and install a softmod?
Perhaps somebody could give me some insight into as why my burnt disks fail hardcore on my Wii? I burnt the disks on my Macbook running XP with IMGBURN, and my Compaq desktop running vista using IMGBURN.
That is incorrect, he has a semi-brick & will not require a savemii dongle. Do not buy one. Do you know what the original region of you wii was? If you have a modchip you can just update from a [b]game in your region[/b, but you should not need the savemii dongle.