Hi, I'm sure this has been posted already, but I'm not clear on where it is so I thought I would just ask.
I no longer wish to burn a copy of my backups to play them on my Wii, I would like to play them straight off of an external HD.
I have a 4.2u soft modded wii, with a Wiikey as well.
Is there a special wiibrew file I could use to accomplish this?
I'm sure that if you did search afterdawn forums and perhaps even google you could find the answer you're looking for.
You need to install a cios which will support USB HDD. I'm currently running Waninkoko's CIOS38_Rev13a.
Once you've installed this (And going you've already got Homebrew channel installed) you need to follow a guide to install whichever USB Loader you decide on (I recommend USB Loader GX)
You'll also need to create a "WBFS" Partition on your external HDD (You can use WBFS Manager to do this on windows, not sure about mac)
Thanks Davery11,
I was looking for more of a guide, and I'm quite aware of being able to google an answer. However there are so many guides out there I wasn't sure which one would be best.
I also already have cIOS 14 installed, I was more just wondering what program people use to put the ISO's onto a HD and which USB loader people use here. Or a guide.
I just find it concerning that you say things like "I'm sure this has been posted already" and "I'm quite aware of being able to google an answer" yet you don't bother to search for either.
Everyone else does their research to mod their wii's, what is it that makes you feel you shouldn't have to?
Anyways, let me spoon feed you:
Soft Mod Guide by Larryje -http://my.afterdawn.com/larrylje_redwings/blog_entry.cfm/4429