Ok, so it's been awhile since i've messed with updating and using IOS and wad stuff. made a backup dvd-dl disc of Metroid: Other M and I believe the disc is perfect. (correct layerbreak and reads ok, etc.) When I pop in the disc, it loads the title screen on the wii 'homepage' (idk what it's "officially" called). I click on the disc, click start and it goes to a black screen and just endlessly sits there. I can hear the disc spin up and then spin down to a constant access rate. I can eject the disc, but the wii will not accept commands and reset and power don't work at that point. Pulling the plug works and I can reboot back to the main homepage.
My wii is 3.4 Wasabi Zero, w/bannerbomb softmod exploit done. (long time ago) I only have had a couple older cIOS's loaded. (whatever was necessary to install VC wads and to get 'New Super Mario' to work, which it does. When I tried to get Metroid to work, I ended up going to the hombrew channel and it wanted me to update to 1.06(think that's the new ver) so I did.
Following advice from some other forum members, I was told to install:
cIOS38Rev17 Installer,cIOSCORP_v3.5,cios_222_installer_rev4 and IOS56-64-v5661
Upon following instructions with them on my SD card, only cIOSCORP v3.6 and the IOS56-64-v5661 show up in homebrew. IOS56-64-v5661 gives me a 'RET-1' error when using Wadmanager, and CIOSCORP installer runs for a bit and then gives me a code dump screen after about 3 minutes running with
"Exception DSI occurred" and a really long string of numeric data following. Wii can be hardbooted back to the main menu and all seems fine. (besides these apps not running)
Sorry about the long post, i'm just not sure what to do with these apps. Watched a bunch of newer youtube vids and forum post/guides, but I don't know what happened to stop me from being able to run cIOS's. After updating homebrew, my old cIOS loaders are gone. (except for 'cIOS 16 loader')Not sure if I need to get "Pimp my wii" to just bring it up to specs or what.
(btw: the cIOS38rev17 installer just had a .dol file in it. Should there be a .wad of it also in the pack?)
Allrighty. I was able to install the cIOS rev 17 as IOS 249. Nothing changed, but the cIOSCORP package would run after that, so that pack and wads were installed. Game works but disc stops at the "baby's cry" part.
Guess I'll have to follow those threads to see what's up. :-P
Dual Layer Games Need additional IOS to run other than the Standard IOS249
1a. If you dont Already you need to install Hermes IOS 222 and 223: HERE
2a. Now when loading the .iso with your loader you will need to select IOS 222
3a. If using GX then when you click on the .iso click settings and switch the IOS from 249 to 222
For USB LOadrer
1b. WIIFLOW you can do one of two things... Use the 222 Version of Wiiflow or set the settings like in GX on the .iso if you want to stay with the 249 Version of Wiiflow
2b. If and when you launch the game with 222 then you should have no problems.
If you are ripping your retail copy make sure you have installed cios38rev17+ or set your loader to use ios222 or 223 then rip the game.
If yours is not a backup of an original retail disk and it doesn't load with ios222/223v4 its most definitely a bad iso dump.
If you do not have the IOS set Correctly in your loader the game will/should freeze after the training course in the beginning of the first Main cut-scene.
Originally posted by ratziel5: Dual Layer Games Need additional IOS to run other than the Standard IOS249
no you don't. i've been running all iterations of IOS249 since the beginning of usb loaders, and all have worked with SSBB and other m. never had to use IOS222 or 223. IOS249 works for the majority. if it fails, IOS250 with a tried and tested base ios is there.
Well. I was told by a user that is running a dual layer backup, that it works and he's halfway through the game. He's using cIOS249_rev19 and the disc, and that's all. I grabbed the cIOS249_rev19_Installer, but it didn't come with any .wad files, just the .dol. Now I found some supposed .wad files that are supposed to go with that, but i'm not sure.
They are: IOS37-64-v3869.wad, IOS38-64-v3867.wad, IOS57-64-v5661.wad, IOS60-64-v6400.wad, IOS70-64-v6687.wad