I bought a Wii off ebay and it arrived today. Had a copy of Wii sports in the drive aswell which wasn't mentioned in the auction... lol Anyway, Having booted this wii up, did all the standard checks on it, will it load disks, has it been modded, what version is it on, ect. So here goes, It's a sept 2008 model from what I can gather, has never been modded by the looks of it, was on system menu 3.3 now on 4.2 after i updated it... lol I was able to install bootmii boot2.
Right, this console has had a pin put on it for the internet settings, and I assume the seller doesn't know what the pin is because he was selling it on after buying it from somebody else to replace his own. I believe that the reason it was sold on was because of this stupid pin... >.< anyway, I've taken a NAND backup and I'm just wondering what I could change on the nand to get rid ofthis stupid thing. I thought about doing a rebuild of the NAND, but when I did, bootmii wouldn't let me dump it because it's a "NAND from a different console"... -_-'
And before you start, I can't format the Wii system memory because that wants a pin too... :-P Also, I can't be bothered to call Nintendo customer services... lol
I think I might have found the answer to my own question. Whilst having a quick browse rounf the net to see if I could find a solution, I came across a "Wii Parental Control Password Resetter"! I haven't had a chance to see if this works or not. So I'll leave my feedback on it later...
also Current reports indicate the Wii master reset pin code differs for every wii, and depends on the confirmation number, and may also depend on the current date.
Originally posted by hooter007: i suppose you tried the usual 0000 1234 ect
also Current reports indicate the Wii master reset pin code differs for every wii, and depends on the confirmation number, and may also depend on the current date.
Yeah I tried the usual obvious ones! 0000, 1234, 1379 and all that! Lol just on my way home now so I'm gonna try that keygen! ^^ will be nice if that works, but I ain't holding my hopes up! Lol
Dunno if you looked at the keygen but it asks for the confirmation code and date so I guess we'll see! Lol
congrads you can now pat yourself on the back for sorting out your own problem,lol
no serious nice to hear you sorted it
and at least i know it works if the kids mess about with it
lol yeah, it's not often I'm asking for help on forums because I like to sort it myself, but atleast instead of just helping myself, I've also helped a fellow forum goer! ^o^
*double back pat* ^o^
now I've formatted it, it's time to softmod that mutha... lol
The only reason I bought a second hand one was because of this which I couldn't solve... lol