i'm new to the wii ,i just bought a softmodded palwii ,i burned sims 3 paliso to a -R DVD and when it started it told me that i must update the system to continue, all i know is that the mod is softmod but i don't know the version ,i'm not into homebrew and don't want to play online so homebrewing and online connection is not an issue,i just want to play the game,so my question is ,is it safe to make the update from the game or will it ruin my mod? what to do now to play the game ?,thanx all for your help and sorry if my questions are silly but i currently don't know anything about the wii
If your using game boots with the disc channel then go to Homebrew Channel -> Press home -> Launch Bootmii -> When your at the menu press down to go to -> Manage system menu -> set the block all disc updates to enabled and reboot
If your using neogamma then change the settings to block disc updates before booting the game
Thanx alot that worked.
is there any solution for the multiplayer mode as it always resets the console as soon as i select multiplayer,i'm using a backup fom disc channel,anyone found a solution to this problem?