About a year ago, I softmodded my Wii. I think the firmware is 4.1u. I haven't used it in 6 or 8 months, but I got a new game recently. When I put it in, it doesn't even let me see the game, only a message that it needs to update my system. After googling for a few hours, I'm confused. What should I do? Is there a way to upgrade to the latest Nintendo firmware and still have it softmodded with the homebrew channel? Or is there a way to keep it from trying to upgrade? I heard that if I used a cracked bootleg, that would work, but I'm trying to find a way to use the disk I just got.
You are probalby missing an IOS that this game needs to load, you can look for pimp my wii or other homebrew that will update the wii without removing all the softmods.
Thanks for the response. Yes, it's a genuine disc. From what I read, the latest Nintendofirmware specifically blocked the homebrew channel and other mods. Is it now possible to mod the latest firmware? I've also heard you should never upgrade a modded Wii. I've heard Priiloader will do this, but when I google Priiloader, I find a webpage where right at the top it recommends running the latest version of the HackMii installer. I just don't want to brick my Wii.
Nothing is guarenteed, however you need to add the ios files that are needed to run the game, or run it from a hard drive.
pimp my wii (run from the homebrew chanel) should do this for you, or you can look for the required ios's in a wad format and install them using wad manager 1.7.
Originally posted by RChadwick: Thanks for the response. Yes, it's a genuine disc. From what I read, the latest Nintendofirmware specifically blocked the homebrew channel and other mods. Is it now possible to mod the latest firmware? I've also heard you should never upgrade a modded Wii. I've heard Priiloader will do this, but when I google Priiloader, I find a webpage where right at the top it recommends running the latest version of the HackMii installer. I just don't want to brick my Wii.
i'm still on 4.1U, and i can still play all games, including ones that have disc updates.
install priiloader, and have it block disc and network updates. then use dop-mii to install any missing IOS; you will need a internet connection to make things easier in dop-mii.