so i have been doing a lot of reading lately, with all the post not matching what i need to fix my issues. i have a nstc system, d2ckey mod chip and had 3.2u firmware on it. all my games used to work (backups and originals). now all my backs ups are sketchy, some work and some don't, yet all the originals, still work. i have always updated from nin tendo. i now have the newest update 4.2u, i always use nero to burn the iso at 4x, i use rawdump 2.0 and the media really doesn't matter to my system i guess cause it plays all types. the errors i get are anything from unable to read the disk, unknown disk (disk channel, or eject the disk and reboot the system. i had star-fall, and homebrew channel but with the new update it removed the hbc. i had downgraded before to see if i could play my other backups but it didn't work. my chip was installed professionally two years ago. anyone have any similar issues or have any ideas to what can be a fix?
Do you have any out of region games? The newest update won't let you play out of region games. You should've stayed with 3.2u. There's absolutely no reason to update your system menu.
Originally posted by cuin4ell: Do you have any out of region games? The newest update won't let you play out of region games. You should've stayed with 3.2u. There's absolutely no reason to update your system menu.
the thing was for some reason even with the older firmware some of my games just stopped working. the disk's are in great shape, just not working.