Having finally gotten around to replacing my old CRT monitor with a 1080p LCD monitor I was wondering what I could do to make the picture look better. So far I am running a version of 3.2, and am reluctant to upgrade unless necessary, but was wondering if I updated my console's firmware to the current one, would 720p or 1080p be available?
Also, on a somewhat unrelated note, while some games display fine, I've also noticed that some seem to be boxed in to the sides. Is this because of screen format, or because the game is a PAL version?
Originally posted by angeteen: Having finally gotten around to replacing my old CRT monitor with a 1080p LCD monitor I was wondering what I could do to make the picture look better. So far I am running a version of 3.2, and am reluctant to upgrade unless necessary, but was wondering if I updated my console's firmware to the current one, would 720p or 1080p be available?
Also, on a somewhat unrelated note, while some games display fine, I've also noticed that some seem to be boxed in to the sides. Is this because of screen format, or because the game is a PAL version?
Go by the component cable for the wii. The standard video cable is crap. The $15-30 is well worth it. I hatted GHV text but after the Cable upgrade I could read the text. I think that brings the wii to 480i from 480p Not much of an upgrade but that's all you can get. The Wii hardware was behind from the start. It was never the direction Nintendo wanted to go. Sony and Microsoft had them beat. They pushed out the new interface model of Motion witch with Sony and Microsoft had a quick catch up game to play. But with there more flexible platform they did.
I'm already using the component cable. It is the one that has three ends for the 360, Wii, and PS2. Still looks blurry a little, but since I can't upscale past 480p, it looks like there is nothing else I can do. Also, I'm not sure if it's relevant, but while a component cord may make things look better (more data being sent to the monitor), it is still limited to 480p, which means component or not, HD is out of the question.
Originally posted by angeteen: I'm already using the component cable. It is the one that has three ends for the 360, Wii, and PS2. Still looks blurry a little, but since I can't upscale past 480p, it looks like there is nothing else I can do. Also, I'm not sure if it's relevant, but while a component cord may make things look better (more data being sent to the monitor), it is still limited to 480p, which means component or not, HD is out of the question.
Video cable for all three systems? I'm not familiar with that. Here Is the cable I'm Talking about. (Y Pb Pr) I felt it made the video much better on my 42 Inch LCD TV. Maybe if one cable is trying to do it all then it doesn't do it as well. Unless you use this for all three system I would return it and get a system specific Cable like the one I linked to.
EDIT: Ok I found two all in on cables One uses the Yellow Video and Red/White Audio and one did use the (Y Pb Pr) Video and Red/White Audio. If its the first then that is why. It sounds though you have a clue with the technology. Just Knowing that 480/720/1080 are a big difference is half the battle.
Originally posted by capple123: Video cable for all three systems? I'm not familiar with that. Here Is the cable I'm Talking about. (Y Pb Pr) I felt it made the video much better on my 42 Inch LCD TV. Maybe if one cable is trying to do it all then it doesn't do it as well. Unless you use this for all three system I would return it and get a system specific Cable like the one I linked to.
EDIT: Ok I found two all in on cables One uses the Yellow Video and Red/White Audio and one did use the (Y Pb Pr) Video and Red/White Audio. If its the first then that is why. It sounds though you have a clue with the technology. Just Knowing that 480/720/1080 are a big difference is half the battle.
you don't get it; the OP has a component cable that is an all-in-one. so it's a component cable with the ability to attach to the wii/x360/ps2.
the wii is strictly 480p. there's nothing you can do about it.
Originally posted by capple123: Video cable for all three systems? I'm not familiar with that. Here Is the cable I'm Talking about. (Y Pb Pr) I felt it made the video much better on my 42 Inch LCD TV. Maybe if one cable is trying to do it all then it doesn't do it as well. Unless you use this for all three system I would return it and get a system specific Cable like the one I linked to.
EDIT: Ok I found two all in on cables One uses the Yellow Video and Red/White Audio and one did use the (Y Pb Pr) Video and Red/White Audio. If its the first then that is why. It sounds though you have a clue with the technology. Just Knowing that 480/720/1080 are a big difference is half the battle.
you don't get it; the OP has a component cable that is an all-in-one. so it's a component cable with the ability to attach to the wii/x360/ps2.
the wii is strictly 480p. there's nothing you can do about it.
I got it. Just that there are two type of all in one cables. One for all three system that is only Composite/Audio and one That is for all three systems that is component/audio. If they are using the first one that is composite then they are not getting the best video they can get. Just as well use the original cables that came with the system. And 480p is correct (Hardware limit of the wii)