Worse Quality with Dvd Rebuilder than DVDShrink
Junior Member
22. July 2009 @ 05:01 |
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I used the latest free version of dvd rebuilder, avisynth, and hcenc to re-encode one of my dvds. I had the settings at best and only get the english audio and subtitles. I want to keep the extras so I did not remove any of them. For the most part, everything went well, but I noticed that a couple of scenes came out looking pretty bad. Because of this, I decided to see what the resulting video would look like from dvdshrink. Although the entire movie is slightly less quality, the same scenes do not look as bad as they did with dvd rebuilder. I have attached photos of both to show you what I am talking about. I know that dvd rebuilder is supposed to provide much better results, and I can see that throughout most of the movie, but I can't use it if scenes will continue to come out as they did. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could fix this problem, or need anymore information to help me out?
DVD Shrink:
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2009 @ 05:02
22. July 2009 @ 06:02 |
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DVD Rebuilder is indeed vastly superior to DVD Shrink. Yes we need a lot more info, for instance the relevant entry from the Rebuilder logfile which is Rebuilder.log in Rebuilder's work folder
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
Junior Member
22. July 2009 @ 14:05 |
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How large was the original file? I believe there are no settings on the free DVD-RB version, except for 'Normal' or 'Best' modes, which you've already did. "Sometimes" you can get better quality out of DVD-RB/HC if the compressed/reduced rate is lesser than 70%, but sometimes it can turned out to be a disaster - like how you had it.
Regarding DVD Shrink (and some folks here find it hard to believe):
There is a trick to achieving better results, if you're compressing a large file; choose the 'Maximum Smoothness" option and the video WILL come out crystal-clear, and at most times superior to DVD Rebuilder's.
I certainly wouldn't keep the result from the first pic, that is full-proof, no ifs, ands or buts, and there shouldn't be any arguments against it. You'd be a fool to keep that one.
Junior Member
22. July 2009 @ 21:32 |
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Here is the entry from the log file:
- Detected ANGLE and/or INTERLEAVING on source.
[00:29:01] One Click encoding activated...
[00:29:02] Phase I, PREPARATION started.
- VTS_01: 3,283,063 sectors.
-- ANGLE and/or INTERLEAVING is present.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 223,569 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_06: 77,935 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 7,181 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_09: 49,633 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 4,428 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_10: 54,250 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 5,083 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_11: 333,674 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 38,034 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- VTS_12: 159,147 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 14,753 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- Reduction Level for DVD-5: 11.5%
- Overall Bitrate : 600Kbs
- Space for Video : 430,368KB
- HIGH/LOW/AVERAGE Cell Bitrates: 624/502/600 Kbs
[00:33:35] Phase I, PREPARATION completed in 4 minutes.
[00:33:35] Phase II ENCODING started
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 2
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 3
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 4
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 5
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 6
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 7
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 8
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 9
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 10
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 11
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 12
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 13
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 14
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 15
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 16
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 17
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 18
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 19
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 20
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 21
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 22
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 23
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 24
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 25
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 26
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 27
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 28
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 29
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 30
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 31
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 32
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 33
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 34
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 35
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 36
- Creating M2V for VTS_06 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_06 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_09 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_09 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_10 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_10 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_10 segment 2
- Creating M2V for VTS_10 segment 3
- Creating M2V for VTS_11 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_11 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 0
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 1
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 2
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 3
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 4
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 5
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 6
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 7
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 8
- Creating M2V for VTS_12 segment 9
[01:14:23] Phase II ENCODING completed in 41 minutes.
[01:14:23] Phase III, REBUILD started.
- Copying IFO, BUP, and unaltered files...
- Processing VTS_01
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 2
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 2 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 3 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 2 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 3 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 2 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 3 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 2 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 3 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 2 CELLID: 5
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 3 CELLID: 5
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 2 CELLID: 6
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 3 CELLID: 6
- Rebuilding segment 2 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 3 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 4 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 5 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding segment 6 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 5
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_04
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 5 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 6 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 5 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 6 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 7 VOBID: 7 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 8 VOBID: 7 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 9 VOBID: 7 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 10 VOBID: 7 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding segment 11 VOBID: 7 CELLID: 5
- Rebuilding segment 12 VOBID: 7 CELLID: 6
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_07
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 8 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 9 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 13 VOBID: 10 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 14 VOBID: 10 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 15 VOBID: 10 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 16 VOBID: 10 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding segment 17 VOBID: 10 CELLID: 5
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_10
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 11 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 12 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 11 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 12 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 12 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 11 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 18 VOBID: 13 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 19 VOBID: 13 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 20 VOBID: 13 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 21 VOBID: 13 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding segment 22 VOBID: 13 CELLID: 5
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_13
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 14 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 15 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 14 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 15 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 23 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 24 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 25 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 26 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 4
- Rebuilding segment 27 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 5
- Rebuilding segment 28 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 6
- Rebuilding segment 29 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 7
- Rebuilding segment 30 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 8
- Rebuilding segment 31 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 9
- Rebuilding segment 32 VOBID: 16 CELLID: 10
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_16
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 17 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 18 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 17 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 18 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 17 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding ILVU Area VOBID: 18 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 33 VOBID: 19 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 34 VOBID: 19 CELLID: 2
- Rebuilding segment 35 VOBID: 19 CELLID: 3
- Rebuilding segment 36 VOBID: 19 CELLID: 6
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_19
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_01_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_06
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 2 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_02
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_06_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_09
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 2 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_02
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_09_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_10
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 2 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_02
- Rebuilding segment 2 VOBID: 3 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_03
- Rebuilding segment 3 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_04
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_10_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_11
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 2 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_02
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_11_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
- Processing VTS_12
- Reading/processing TMAP table...
- Rebuilding segment 0 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 1 VOBID: 1 CELLID: 2
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_01
- Rebuilding segment 2 VOBID: 2 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 3 VOBID: 2 CELLID: 2
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_02
- Rebuilding segment 4 VOBID: 3 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 5 VOBID: 3 CELLID: 2
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_03
- Rebuilding segment 6 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 1
- Rebuilding segment 7 VOBID: 4 CELLID: 2
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_04
- Rebuilding segment 8 VOBID: 5 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_05
- Rebuilding segment 9 VOBID: 6 CELLID: 1
- Updating NAVPACKS for VOBID_06
- Updated VTS_C_ADT.
- Updated IFO: VTS_12_0.IFO
- Updating TMAP table...
Correcting VTS Sectors...
[01:22:28] Phase III, REBUILD completed in 8 minutes.
[01:22:28] PREPARE/ENCODE/REBUILD completed in 53 min.
As for the size, it was 7.76gb. The overall compression for DVDShrink was 53.9% with keeping everything. I actually have never messed with the aec options. I know about them, but never worried about them because I was always happy with the results. But now I have decided its time to start looking into making the best possible backups I can and I am trying out all the options.
EDIT: Just another piece of info, I tried using nero recode as well and it came out with spots that were green and pixelated. So far DVDShrink is the only thing that hasnt messed up part of the video.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2009 @ 21:33
Junior Member
22. July 2009 @ 22:08 |
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Here is your problem:
Reduction Level for DVD-5: 11.5% - Overall Bitrate : 600Kbs
- Space for Video : 430,368KB
How did you get the video to be that low? Was there DTS Audio and all the other languages that you're intended to keep? Try unchecking the audios you don't want. Even though, it shouldn't be this low. Your compressed file yielded less than of a 650MB/74 min CD-R!
Check if you are using any of these versions:
DVD Rebuilder Version 0.98.2-Free
HCencoder 0.24
Avisynth 2.58
This should help improve whatever problem that is causing that kind of reduction
Junior Member
22. July 2009 @ 22:50 |
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Originally posted by PCH_Dude: Here is your problem:
Reduction Level for DVD-5: 11.5% - Overall Bitrate : 600Kbs
- Space for Video : 430,368KB
How did you get the video to be that low? Was there DTS Audio and all the other languages that you're intended to keep? Try unchecking the audios you don't want. Even though, it shouldn't be this low. Your compressed file yielded less than of a 650MB/74 min CD-R!
Check if you are using any of these versions:
DVD Rebuilder Version 0.98.2-Free
HCencoder 0.24
Avisynth 2.58
This should help improve whatever problem that is causing that kind of reduction
I have no idea why the bitrate was that low. I had only english audio and subtitles selected and dts files removed. I had all of those versions except hcencoder, which was .23. The .24 was beta so I stuck with .23. I will try out this and let you know what happens. I will post a log file to let you see as well. As for as the size and bitrate of the video, I dont know what happened. I have it set to high under the drop down menu. The resulting files came out to be 4.4gb
EDIT: I was watching the hcenc popup during the process and after the first pass it would say bitrate set to 600. I didn't set it as that, and I put best for the profile in DVD Rebuilder. I am trying something else out to see if it works. I copied everything from the .24 version of hcenc over and renamed the hcenc_.24.exe to hcbatch.exe. Initially I hadnt copied over the ini file (as I read on the internet that all you had to do was replace the hcbatch file) but I copied over the ini file now.
EDIT 2: Apparently that didnt help. Its still around the 550 - 600 kbps range in the popup :(
EDIT 3: I noticed that in the status window of dvd rebuilder that it says
"Reduction Level for DVD-5: 11.5%
Overall Bitrate : 600Kbs
Space for Video : 430,368KB "
like before. I have everything set to best and have removed any audio and subtitles that weren't needed. I don't know what else to do.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2009 @ 23:13
Junior Member
23. July 2009 @ 00:46 |
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I believe the setting lies in DVD-RB. Check the 'Mode' and 'Options' settings and see if it's properly selected. Also,under 'Mode'; uncheck 'Angle Processing' if you will. Funny, I didn't get that option, it's faded out. I think that's where the problem is.
Junior Member
23. July 2009 @ 00:49 |
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Originally posted by PCH_Dude: I believe the setting lies in DVD-RB. Check the 'Mode' and 'Options' settings and see if it's properly selected. Also,under 'Mode'; uncheck 'Angle Processing' if you will. Funny, I didn't get that option, it's faded out. I think that's where the problem is.
Yea it is also greyed out for me.
Junior Member
23. July 2009 @ 03:06 |
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I'm really stoked here. From the amount compressed based on your log, DVD-RB is basically hacking and throwing out close to 90% of material and keeping only 11% whereas the built file should be at around 55-56%, or close to Shrink's! Something is definitely NOT right here.
Yor log does show Angle, not sure if that has anything to do with it, and I don't recall my encoded logs ever recorded anything like this before in the past.
"Here is the entry from the log file:
- Detected ANGLE and/or INTERLEAVING on source.
[00:29:01] One Click encoding activated...
[00:29:02] Phase I, PREPARATION started."
Junior Member
23. July 2009 @ 03:47 |
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Originally posted by PCH_Dude: I'm really stoked here. From the amount compressed based on your log, DVD-RB is basically hacking and throwing out close to 90% of material and keeping only 11% whereas the built file should be at around 55-56%, or close to Shrink's! Something is definitely NOT right here.
Yor log does show Angle, not sure if that has anything to do with it, and I don't recall my encoded logs ever recorded anything like this before in the past.
"Here is the entry from the log file:
- Detected ANGLE and/or INTERLEAVING on source.
[00:29:01] One Click encoding activated...
[00:29:02] Phase I, PREPARATION started."
Yea I have no idea what is going on. I saw that in the log, but I still have that one option greyed out. I am almost positive I have set it all up correctly. I mean, you never commented about my setup being the wrong way to do it. So I have no idea what is going on. Any more ideas?
Junior Member
23. July 2009 @ 05:18 |
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My suggestion is to uninstall everything and reinstall in this order:
Avisynth 2.58 (this is the latest version),
DVD-RB 0.98.2-Free,
HCencoder 0.24 (replace this with the current one that came with DVD-RB) and try again.
Junior Member
25. July 2009 @ 04:15 |
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Hey sorry I got back so late. I still see the same entry in the log.
EDIT: Disc 2 works out fine though. So the issue is with Disc 1 not dvd rebuilder.
EDIT 2: I put Disc 1 through fixvts and that didnt help this problem. It caught a lot of stuff, but the bitrate and size didnt change.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. July 2009 @ 04:48