I replace the 40gb damaged hard drive with an other similar but 5400rpm, the menu of the Nomad looks normal and I can load music on it. when I try to listen music, displays a message saying "unknown format" I try different mp3 format 112, 128, 160 and wav files from a backup and no music, anyone can help me to solve this problem? thank´s
Have you considered what broke the HD may have done other damage? Are you sure you bought the correct replacement? Are you sure you put all the needed software on the disk including the encoders?
thanks for your reply, my Nomad is the model: DAP-HD011 40 GBHD, download the ZenXtraP4SAudible_PCFW_LB_2_10_03 creativefirmware, install it and the process was successful, in the computer with xpsp3 use the windows media player 9 which recognizes quickly the Zen, and synchronizes the mp3 music is very fast, but the problem is the play funcion, trying to listening music sometimes sound choppy and crashes, I have to reset but always the message appears "unknown format", about the HD format after the upgrade i try none, NTFS FAT32 same result, About the damage to equipment, I have no way of knowing, the damage to old computer disk, is used for a long time I believe, and reviewing with software to check it showed damaged areas, any idea what to do to correct it?. Thank You
I thought it was your Zen that was damaged and I still think it isn't right. Your computer isn't causing the problem unless your encoder got corrupted. The is a 1 out of 100 shot the other 99 say it is the Zen.