i was away for the week on holidays and gave my brother my laptop for the week(1st Mistake)
Anyway i got back and he says something is wrong with your laptop so i asked what he had been doing on it and he told me he downloaded p2p software eMule.(yes i did box him)
so i booted it up and boots into windows and could last 30 seconds to 5 mins before bluescreen comes up.
what is frustrating is i try to boot into safe mode to run malwarebytes to get rid of what ever eMule did. and i get halway through a scan,computer crashes blue screen comes up. the 2nd bluescreen DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is the most frequent one that comes up but on occasion the 1st one does.
so my method of thinking was if the laptop cant stay on long enough to do a scan then just restore the laptop with clean install/restore.
my laptop is asus x5d1j and is running windows 7 home premium 64bit.
4gb of ram 250gb hard drive.
it did not come with a windows 7 disk so when i 1st got the laptop i was prompted to do a recovery disk/iso image of the system.
so i restored the laptop using this method. that worked fine
but it didnt fix my blue screen issue. even restored to the factory state in which i got it. the bluescreens keep happening.