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selectable multiple program install?
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30. November 2013 @ 00:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I know how to program cmd to launch multiple installs one after another, but that is not what i want to do. I have a dvd where i have multiple programs.

what i want to do is to start a installer, that asks me for what porgrams i want to install for the session.
That is because i got basic windows installer, but depending on if i want to use x86 or x32 i want to install different version accordingly. Sometimes i also want to install Office pack, but not the Nero pack.

So is there a program that would make me this multiple selectable install, that would just run those installers one after another, according to what i select?
if possible, group those installers, so i could create 2 groups: x86bit & x32bit
So it would have 2 trees.

How can i do that and is there an easy way to do this? > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - software discussion > selectable multiple program install?

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