Post LINK to your favorite website here.
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29. July 2011 @ 08:40 |
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All members are invited to post the LINK to your favorite website on this thread.
You can post the 'Homepage' or a 'Special Section' within any website you
want people to focus on. Doing this will allow all members to see what interests
you ( thus, we will get to know you better ). It can be a LINK to your own site
or a friend's site. Also, it can be a site where we gain knowledge regarding a
specific subject. Hope you members respond to this thread...which will make it
* Be sure to tell us a little bit of information about the LINK so we are more tempted
to check it out. You can come back to this thread (many times) to post another LINK
to a website that captured your interest recently.
No links to 'porno' or 'extreme violence' please.
This link takes you to:
The website where 'Lowbrow Pop Surrealism' is the main focus.
Yet, there are many threads dealing with 'Highbrow Art' within
the Contemporary Art board on the site ( such as Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns,
Jeff Koons, Roy Lichtenstein, Elizabeth Murray, etc. ). I find the variety
stimulating and a challenge. Hope you enjoy your visit to this ART site !
* I've been a member since May 15, 2010.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Friday July 29, 2011__8:40 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2011 @ 11:41
7. August 2011 @ 08:06 |
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Try Spot The Lost with new look and Community based operation feature for tracking lost and found objects.
You can create a close community like a institute campus, a residential society, school premises or a organization premises and track and share your lost and found objects inside that community.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. August 2011 @ 08:10
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8. August 2011 @ 05:55 |
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@ nawab36085_____your post #2.
I checked out your SPOTTHELOST.COM
So, now I know where to go to find lost stuff.
* Thanks for your contribution to this thread.
Here's the link to my favorite Photography website :
You'll arrive with result for 'Fine Art....all rated' section.
Yet, you can pick another section if desired.
* Click 'artist's name' to view entire portfolio.
PHOTO.NET is one awesome site if you're interested in Photography !
Signed: Robert Singletary__Monday August 8, 2011__5:55 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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8. August 2011 @ 07:58 |
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Thanks for your opinion.
And I am glad you liked it. The improvement will keep happening and i will be coming with new features and enhancements.
By the way...I checked this
Its quite interesting ...and specially for me because i love collecting as well capturing good photographs.
Thanks for suggesting this site.
Nawab Raza
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8. August 2011 @ 10:30 |
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@ nawab36085_____your post #4.
I'll check back on your site every 2 weeks or so to see your new features.
Best of luck....I know it's time consuming.
You'll arrive on Recent Posts - All Forums ( lower right side ).
3DBUZZ.COM is a fantastic site teaching you animation and how to use
different softwares. Lots and lots of FREE video tutorials when you
start out. Then when you're ready for the really advanced stuff it
starts at $35.00 for first month of 'Member Sponsorship' and $35.00
for each following month ( which allows access to more advanced material ).
Here's the link to see for yourself :
Yet, most members say they learn so much from
the FREE stuff they end up not paying a dime.
Yes, this site is that good !! I've been a member since May 8, 2005
and still enjoy going there every day.
* Be sure to check out the 'Lounge' forum's my favorite
( because the members discuss almost everything ! ).
Yet, no Politics or Religion allowed.
Hope you enjoy your visit.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Monday August 8, 2011__10:30 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. August 2011 @ 09:28
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22. August 2011 @ 04:01 |
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This link takes you to:
71 pages of TOP RATED fractals ( thumbnails ) for the most
awesome works on the entire site.
* Click on any thumbnail to view the outstanding enlargement.
If you love 'Fractal Artworks' you will be thrilled with FRACTALFORUMS.COM
( it's the best site I've found ).
Hope you enjoy your visit and bookmark the LINK so you can return many times
in the future to view more fractals ( it takes a long time to
get through all 71 pages of thumbnails ). This section of the site will
blow your mind it's so good !!
Signed: Robert Singletary__Monday August 22, 2011__4:01 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. August 2011 @ 04:01
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25. September 2011 @ 22:36 |
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Here's the link to:
A Jen Bekman Project [ limited edition prints at very affordable prices ].
I'm not affiliated with this online gallery in any way
( my own 'digital artworks' are not featured ).
I simply love this site for it's variety of Art and the
affordable prices for these small editions.
Hope you enjoy your visit to this unique website.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday September 25, 2011__10:36 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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18. November 2011 @ 19:20 |
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This link takes you to:
Most popular images of all time on RAPH.COM
( It's a fantastic site to view the best 'digital artworks' on the web ! ).
Page after page of awesome images.
Hope you enjoy your visit.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Friday November 18, 2011__7:20 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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4. December 2011 @ 17:50 |
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This link takes you to:
PBASE.COM ____most popular galleries.
* This site is now one of my favorites regarding photography.
( awesome photos found on this site created by many professionals ).
Hope you enjoy your visit !
Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday December 4, 2011__5:50 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
* This is the day I turned 66 years old.
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21. December 2011 @ 06:30 |
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IMPORTANT: If you hate Sony for being so corrupt, copy this image into your signature too!
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24. December 2011 @ 23:58 |
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You'll arrive on the 'Psychedelic' section.
Yet, there are many other sections at top of page.
* This website [ 3DATELIER.COM ] is my favorite
because it's so extensive in it's coverage of psychedelic art.
By the way, I don't take drugs of any kind but I love psychedelic art.
Here's their extensive LINKS page :
Have Fun !
Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday December 24, 2011__11:58 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. December 2011 @ 18:16
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28. December 2011 @ 18:12 |
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This link takes you to:
'Artworks section' where you can click on any thumbnail for enlargement.
These are intense charcoal and pencil drawings by one of my favorite artists !
Hope you enjoy your visit and see these works as 'awesome'
( in my opinion anyway ).
Signed: Robert Singletary__Wednesday December 28, 2011__6:12 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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31. December 2011 @ 07:30 |
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9. January 2012 @ 16:54 |
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This link takes you to:
OXCGN'S Video pages.
After you arrive, scroll down to the A through W list.
Click the 'green' videos icon and be presented videos of that game.
* If you're a gamer you'll love this website !
Signed: Robert Singletary__Monday January 9, 2012__4:54 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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18. February 2012 @ 01:38 |
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WALLPAPERS__free for your desktop.
This link takes you to:
WALLPAPERS__free for your desktop.
( located within the 'Digital Art' board ).
This thread contains 315 awesome Wallpapers and more are added each week as
I find the great ones.
* Now you don't have to search the Internet for high-quality Wallpapers
because you'll find lots of awesome images on this one thread.
Hope this helps people who have been looking
to find a 'new Wallpaper' for their desktop.
Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday February 18, 2012__1:38 A.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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25. February 2012 @ 18:20 |
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This link takes you to:
( Alphabetical List of all Artists__main focus is realism ).
Just click the artist's name to view awesome paintings.
* If you love 'Realism' this is the site for you !
Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday February 25, 2012__6:20 P.M.
(eastern standard time) USA
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26. February 2012 @ 03:26 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. February 2012 @ 03:33