so like, i have a friend of a friend that i'm really curious about
this is how it is:
he just came back from a 6 month stint in jail
he currently is under house arrest
he wears an ankle bracelet, but it's only a distance one, connected through a phone. it's not one of those ankle bracelets that detect alcohol content in sweat.
he has to be near a phone at all times, and it's one of those phones that also has a breathalyzer and a camera attached to it so that he can get tested every single time
he has a parole officer who is legally allowed to randomly search his premises for alcohol and drugs at any time.
he's allowed to go from his apartment to school, and that's it.
i don't know how long his house arrest is for.
what i'm curious is, what do you guys think he did?
my friend said he isn't comfortable telling me, so of course i'm just super curious now. i'll probably ask the guy myself one day, but you know, it's awkward.
Based on what you said with the phone and parole officer it sounds like he had a few DUIs or some other major alcohol-related legal trouble.
However, as ddp said, just drop it. He might bring it up at some point, but do NOT ask him, especially since he's not a direct "friend" because that will just cause problems.
Google him or look up the criminal records in your area. Depending where you are they may be public if the person in question is of legal age (again depends where you are).
My guess though is the same as Pop_Smith - alcohol related.
Most districts won't waist money on a breathalizer unless the offense had something to do with alcohol (DUI usualy). Just google "Redneck County arrest records" (or whatever county you live in).