Okay, I wasn't sure where to post this, and I apologize if this turns into a wall of text, but I am at a loss here.
I have asked around, friends, family, and even a few people at the college campus I go to (Hinds CC). I know what i want to do, generally, but not specifically. I love working on computers, designing things, creating things, technology, music, and writing. Just recently I found this:
That honestly sums up about what I would want to do. I am working on my own company/label, my own blog (through blogspot for now), as well as my own art/design page and a portfolio. Granted that all hasn't came into the world yet and is still in the works, still it is an idea and a grasp.
I have looked into the possibility of being a software architect/engineer, or computer science, or just computer programming. I don't have the hindsight and the great luck that Matthew had, on starting very early. I am sorry if this is all confusing or doesn't make sense, but my main question I guess that sums up all of the above would be a two part question. Where do I start, to pursue the means/needs to develop this/that kind of education/qualifications, and any advice/thoughts/how from you all?