What hurts the most?
2. August 2009 @ 12:21 |
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hey you guys... i haven't been here in a while and i noticed this blow -off valve.... great idea!
But o well i'll get to the point.... what do you guys think is the action or feeling that hurts a person the most? Deception? Mistrust? It can even be a physical thing.... like falling.
It can be as long as a couple of words but I will start off by saying...
Love is what hurts the most.
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2. August 2009 @ 12:23 |
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Try betrayal and then being lied to.
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2. August 2009 @ 16:11 |
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Being lied to and betrayed by your "best mate", him humiliating you time and time again because he has power over you.
What feels the best? Punching that you know who in the face and kicking the you know what out of him while he is down.
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2. August 2009 @ 21:55 |
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Keep it clean ps3lvanub - post edited.
You should know the drill by now......
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2. August 2009 @ 22:47 |
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The best feeling is telling the scum what you think of them.. to their faces in front of a heap of people.. turning on your 5" heels and head high walking away... feeling their hate burning into your back... knowing you hit the mark.
That's a real quality sensation.. especially when they break (well YOU break) their paypal account and they can't get back into it... and they come crawling back to you pleading for help to "fix" it again... and you refuse because they didn't want to know you the week before.. purely because of what "other people might say" ..
Screw the lot of em.. I need none of that junk or those people in my life.
deny Me and be doomed
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
3. August 2009 @ 04:53 |
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The worst feeling is having your optical nerves plucked one-by-one! The best feeling is doing it to someone else!
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3. August 2009 @ 06:12 |
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Eh i'd say physically being hurt is worse. Not breaking bones, but having broken bones would probably be the worst. I've been hit by a car at 60mph and had my quad roll over and crush my hand (pins sticking out of my hand for a month). Errr i change my answer, medical bills actually hurt the worst.
Here's a couple pics of some xray's (actual xrays are mounted in a backlit box in my rec room)
left leg - tib/fib fracture
left hand - broke the inside of my thumb
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3. August 2009 @ 06:44 |
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Originally posted by varnull: The best feeling is telling the scum what you think of them.. to their faces in front of a heap of people.. turning on your 5" heels and head high walking away... feeling their hate burning into your back... knowing you hit the mark.
That's a real quality sensation.. especially when they break (well YOU break) their paypal account and they can't get back into it... and they come crawling back to you pleading for help to "fix" it again... and you refuse because they didn't want to know you the week before.. purely because of what "other people might say" ..
Screw the lot of em.. I need none of that junk or those people in my life.
deny Me and be doomed
I know what you mean. British schools nowadays are divided up into groups, much like American schools are. Usually you have your moshers, your chavs (majority group) your nerds and your normal people (tiny pinprick). In our school you have chavs (96%), nerds (3%) and normal people (1%). Now in that situation everyone who is not a chav is a nerd. now your best mate from primary suddenly turns against you because you are a "nerd" and starts talking crap about you it makes people HATE you. Not that I mind, I don't want to be friends with small minded little chavs who can't string a simple sentence together in proper english grammar. It's just the constant oppresion I can't stand. So when you completely pwn someone in front of their chav mates, that is one of the best feelings in the world because all chavs know is violence and to them, that is the ultimate humiliation. So he becomes a bit friendless and comes crawling back to you it's so awesome when you tell'em to *** off!
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3. August 2009 @ 19:38 |
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no,definitely being betrayed by the one you love hurts the most.ive been thru a broken ankle and it doesnt even come close.varnulls right,revenge is sweet no matter what they say.certainly makes you appreciate true honesty when you see it.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
4. August 2009 @ 05:55 |
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A broken heart does hurt, but torture is worse. This is clear, as torture is enough to make most turn against the ones they love.
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4. August 2009 @ 06:38 |
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I would agree with KillerBug.
IMPORTANT: If you hate Sony for being so corrupt, copy this image into your signature too!
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19. September 2009 @ 09:38 |
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the worse physical feeling you can have is when you cut your eyeball.i did it by accident when i was 12 flicking a karate belt and it was the worse feeling in the world(i litrally passed out for 2minutes).getting hit by a car doing 80kmph would of been painful but i blackouted on impact so i didnt feel it.betrayal only hurts the first few times then you get use to it.
custom built gaming pc from early 2010,ps2 with 15 games all original,ps3 500gbs with 5 games all original,yamaha amp and 5.1channel surround sound speakers,46inch sony lcd smart tv.
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4. October 2009 @ 00:37 |
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The most nonphysical hurtful feeling would have to be a constant barrage of verbal insults and then being betrayed by someone or something you loved (friends, family, jobs.
Trust me, it really sucks.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. October 2009 @ 19:30 |
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LOOSING one you love.
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9. October 2009 @ 08:51 |
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falling in love with a girl you've liked for a year who says she loves you and then goes out and gets drunk and sleeps with a total dickhead is painful.loving someone close to you that dies is also very painful.
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Junior Member
15. November 2009 @ 01:40 |
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when your fiance cheats on you, with her "best friend" and theres nothing u can do about it because you're stationed in another state. when youre best friend that you're stationed with and are together all day gets deployed and is going to a new duty station and you know youll never see him again.the day i went to bootcamp lol
19. November 2009 @ 19:01 |
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Dishonesty. Like lets say some french twit cheats your country out of going to the world cup. **** you henry
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20. November 2009 @ 01:34 |
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getting kicked in the scrotum. its a pain that never really goes away.
as for being betrayed or lied to some people(myself included)don't really process that much into it.
its like okay you lied and stabbed me in the back. Want a cookie for your efforts. you cant hurt my feelings i can become upset but other than that good luck.
i also happen to have a very high pain threshold, you can hit me with a bat and ill just look at you for awhile wondering what that was all about.
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10. March 2010 @ 08:20 |
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when sincere communication is broken. or when you are kept in a folder.( like they have figures u out, or they believe that you are this or that. and now you feel obligated to be that person or feel you are that person becuase they belive you are. and you can't bend out of that picture they have drawn of you)
10. March 2010 @ 16:27 |
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vrchards, edit that link out of your sig ASAP as per forum rules.
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14. March 2010 @ 02:19 |
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The most painful/hardest thing I have ever done (that I can say on the internet) is SASR selection. I trained for it for over 7 years and it was still extremely hard. It's not just physically straining either, some of the exercises screw with your mind. And most of the time you are sleep deprived. Then you have 18 months of training.
14. March 2010 @ 17:35 |
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chris, what is SASR selection?
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14. March 2010 @ 21:33 |
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sore arse scrotum rash?
*giggles and hides*
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14. March 2010 @ 22:20 |
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SASR stands for Special Air Service Regiment, it's basically Australia's version of the British SAS. I've heard the selection process for SF is a lot easier now though with the commando direct entry scheme bullsh*t.
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15. March 2010 @ 22:01 |
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Playstation 2-Free McBoot,HDloader 8.0c,Open PS2 Loader 0.7,80gb Maxtor HDD,SMS Media Player,PGen,SNES Station- Installed
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