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Is this a glitch in The Chronicles of Riddick?
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31. January 2010 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In Escape from Butcher Bay I got past the part where you control the suit of armor. Afterwards I went back to finish the side missions. In order to get back on track to plant a bomb I have to go through the workpass door then power central then Feed Ward Emergency Ventilation. Except this door has no power going to the key pad? I can't open it nor can I find another way around it? Am I just being retarded and missing some entrance or did I stumble upon some glitch in which case this game will become a frisbee.
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31. January 2010 @ 06:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Theres a switch somewhere in the power control room for the keypads and locks.. I think they are on the same power as the fans you had to kill earlier. been a long time, I wasn't impressed with this game.

here is the best guide I have come across.. your answer will be in here somewhere.. search for keypad (find feature firefox) > forums > archived forums > xbox - games > is this a glitch in the chronicles of riddick?

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