I was getting great speeds on BitTorrent for as far back as I can remember, I've not changed anything, except the usual tweaks and so on, my port forwarding is all done and so on.... however over the last 2 days I've noticed that I'm not getting anything higher than 200kbs my ISP hasn't capped my service I've tried changing ports to anything that isn't the usual BitTorrent ports, nothing seems to be working. Anyone got any ideas?
How do you know your ISP isn't throttling? Check with a friend with the same ISP in the same area that downloads or try at an off peak time (sometimes torrents aren't throttled then). If that's Cable, the line could have become saturated in which case call your ISP but don't mention torrents. Could be you need to switch clients; I've had to switch clients twice for that very reason (actually worse than that after some time).
Already tried it, my neighbour runs on the same ISP and he's getting his Torrents at the same speed he was last month, nothings changed. I'm not on cable, but everything else is getting good download speeds just not BitTorrent, it's starting to drive me up the wall, I'd change client but I like BitTorrent and plus I don't think changing Client would make a difference.
No harm in trying another client, utorrent is same as Bittorrent and very light. Vuze is good but could never be called light. Like I said, happened to me with BitTornado and then utorrent. Vuze runs great now, still can't use BT and that was years ago. What does the port checker or connection show, mine went from green to yellow, then red and finally black in BitTornado and red in utorrent (among other issues)?
I bet your neighbour has protocol encryption turned on and could well be using a seedbox somewhere. Chances are they haven't come under scrutiny from their isp.. like by always using a high port and protocol encryption.. unlike you who seem to have been running wide open obsolete software on the usual p2p monitored ports.
Once an isp detects something they don't like they can and do take counter measures.. No matter what your neighbour on the same isp is getting.. that's no guarantee at all that you will get the same..
My isp kill my whole connection when I try to use soulseek.. they pull the plug and I have to reboot my modem to get back online. I use vuze.. it's only taking 30-40 ram on my setup. (slackware.. only 128 in the machine total)
i finally got the green light! yes!!! its soo much faster now. except i did it a round about way. still worked though.
you have to download cheat engine 5.5 and a couple other things but it works! just watch this video and it will show you the proof.