hi there,
Im having problems with dowloading packets
I accept the downlaod no problems but it soon just disconects without accepting any of the file.
Has anyone got any ideas as to what may be causing this please?
It's been some year's since I used Mirc but your problem sound's vaguely familiar. At IRC check Rejoin channel when kicked, Rejoin channel on disconnect and Keep channel's open. At DCC, on send request>get file>resume. On chat request select auto accept. I also remember having to manually accept the first download for these change's to kick in and that there was only 30 second's to accept. Bittorrent is far easier (no queue's, no command's or time limit on them, no bot's that may shut down, fairly slow download's) and was far faster for me. I had no router at the time but, if you do, it will need forwarding, can't remember about a firewall, may have had Zone Alarm but don't remember opening it. Hope this make's sense, been a long time. Edit: there should be a warning box come up to never show again when you manually accept, check it.