Recently I have face 2 problems of using utorrent.
first is
My utrorrent running heavy (like some heavy apps, games etc)when I maximize it from notification area or click some torrent or add some torrents, it is gone hang, its takes many time to normal.
I reinstall it but the problem still remain. Now I reinstall my windows xp and then using utorrent, the problem is 25% remain. it still heavy but less before.(I m 100% sure that my pc is cleaned from any kind of viruses)(I m using panda pro)
My second problem is
When I use utorrent after reinstall windows. when some thing download using torrent. the file size is full memory catch of hdd memory in start, I mean if downloading is 1% then the size on disk is shown full file size. if file size is 500mb then in 1% the file size on disk is 500mb.
although before reinstalling the windows and utorrent, if the file downloading is 7 mb of 500mb then its shows 7mb size on disk.
my english not very good, so I think you figured it out.
As to your first issue, I do not know if you are referring to CPU or RAM use (or both). Anyways, you might check at the uTorrent FAQ to see if you have any of the software that is incompatible:
There were some issues with Panda, uTorrent and Vista a while ago, but I have not seen anything on that in a while. You might try temporarily disabling Panda and see if the issue goes away.
As to the second "issue". If i understand you corectly, you can adjust that setting in uTorrent. The reason it pre-allocates the space is to ensure you will not run out of space during the download.
If you want to disable, the pre-allocation of space for a torrent download, in uTorrent go to Options>Preferences>General and disable the option "Pre-allocate all files"
By the way, my uTorrent 2.0 is build (17920), which is the latest stable.
Yours is the last beta.
I try to explain you again,
when download is 1% of 500mb, then what size the file is takken.?
obviously 5mb size on disk. but mine cannot. its take full file size (that is 500mb) on disk.