For the past year and a half or so I have used Torrent's for file sharing, seeing how governments and the movie/music industry is crushing sites like mininova and thepiratebay is there a better way to share data? I have heard about news groups and filehosts but are unsure both how they work and how safe they are to use. Any explanations or suggestions?
I prefer Newsgroup's to torrent's just because no uploading is required, you should see your full download speed as well, full encryption available too. Nowhere as difficult as this seem's: here's another: Basically, all you need is a NewsReader (free or paid), probably a NewsServer unless your ISP has one(not likely-Astraweb, Giganew's, PowerUsenet-you want the best retention rate you can get), and a NewsGroup like NZBMatrix, Merlin's Portal. Quickpar is free and needed to open par's first. Other than that, has the same file's. BinSearch is free and may have file's you can't find elsewhere.