I need to do exactly what the OP asked: I have a 10mn MP3 file of a talkshow that I'd like to combine with a single JPG into a video file that I can then send to friends or upload to YouTube.
I looked in C:\Program Files\ and C:\Program Files\Microsoft, but didn't find the free Windows Movie Maker application.
I also checked VirtualDub and AviDemux, but they don't seem to offer to create a video file from scratch.
I also followed this thread to use ffmpeg, but the output AVI is 105MB, which is quite large for just combining a 10MB MP3 with a JPG.
Is there a free, easy to use Windows application I could use for this?
Oops, I was replying to an old thread where the OP asked how to create a video file by combining an MP3 file and a JPG, but it ended up as a brand new thread. Sorry about that :-/
If you install AviSynth and use a simple script in VirtualDub you can output an AVI - of course you must have a codec installed, XviD for example.
Here's a sample script:
video = ImageSource("mypic2.jpg", FPS=25,End=4500)
audio = directshowsource("clip.mp3")
#Assumes the audio is three minutes = 3x60 = 180 seconds, at 25fps = 4500 frames
The script is created in NotePad and saved with the .avs extension instead of .txt then opened in VirtualDub.
This sample assumes that the image, mp3 and script are all on the desktop or in the same folder, else the complete path must be included between the "".