Can someone suggest a freeware that converts m4a to mp3. I have a few Beethoven music files that are in m4a. It would be wonderful if I could somehow convert it to mp3 so that I can have it burned on cd.
I always use the old winamp 2 with the aac/m4a input plugin.
Set the output plugin to "disk writer" and play the file.
Instead of actually playing it, it writes out a wav file.
Convert the wav to mp3 as normal, set Winamp back to the normal output plugin.
- Recommend you download iTunes to your computer (free)
- When you open iTunes, goto bar at the top 'iTunes', Click it
- On this dropdown menu, goto 'Preferences', click it
- Under the 'General' Tab, look at the last section on the bottom marked"When you insert a CD'. Click the button next to it marked 'Import Settings', click it
- Look at first dropdown menu marked 'Import Using:', click it
- Choose the file format you want iTunes to convert all audio that gets dropped in. Select 'MP3 Encoder'
- Click OK, OK
- Goto iTunes main window, click on 'Music' on the top left side.
- Drag your m4a file and drop it into iTunes.
- Since it is not a CD, click on your file to highlight it.
- Goto 'Advanced' at the top of the menu. A dropdown menu appears.
- Click 'Create MP3 version'
- As soon as you do this, iTunes will convert it and place the file format UNDER the current (old) file.
- Take care of your new file format and drag it where ever you want to go. You can always double check it by right clicking the file & choose get info. It will read 'mp3'.
I hope this helps. Now you can convert to many formats. It's easy and fun! Just keep track of your formats because the name will still be the same unless you make a note of the it in the name itself.