I have a LGlightscribe burner, and SureThing Label maker, and Acoustica Label maker, but cannot burn a lightscribe disc. I have read all the instructions and I try to print as they say but my software does not recognize the lightscribe drive as it is supposed to. What am I doing wrong? Need help, please....
I think I have the same problem. I have been so frustrated for the last few hours trying to get this thing working. I have an LG external drive too. Inn the lightscribe labelling software when I click the "preview and print" button it shows me the preview but when I hit the "Print" button all I get is a "Save" dialogue box where I can save my label as a .lsi file. How the ell do I get this to the cd drive to burn the label?
Also, when I use Nero (StartSmart essentials) I click into the lightscribe label creator but there is no mention of lightscribe in the File dropdown menu (in a very old thread here I read that there should be a "Lightscribe Print Preview" and "Lightscribe Print").
I just can't seem to get the image to the disc and it is so, so, so frustrating and angrifying. This is my second half day wasted trying to get this working! Any help much appreciated!
Thank-You worked like a charm, but is this the only program in the whole world that makes lightscribe work? I think not, and wondering why my inst book does not tell me this info...... Guess I am supposed to know this...guess I am not that bright...... Thanks again