Hi. I found this forum while trying to make a dvd with DVD Lab and encountered some problems.
I'm totally new to this, and have gotten this far from tutorials from different sites online...
I have three movies, and want to make 1 main menu, and 4 sub-menus.
#1 being the main menu - linking to menu 2,3,4 and 5.
#2 linking to the chapters in movie 1.
#3 linking to the chapters in movie 2.
#4 linking to the first half of chapters in movie 3.
#5 linking to the second half of chapters in movie 3.
Link back to menu #1 on all sub-menus.
When I burn to dvd I can't play the dvd in my standalone. But it plays in my pc.
When I check all the scripts I get an error on the VTS Root, saying "Unkown Link"
The generated code is this:
GPRM13 = 0
if (GPRM12 != 65335 ) LinkPGCN 2 <--- this is where it stops.
SetSTN (subp=GPRM13:off)
LinkPGCN 2
I've tried starting the project from fresh, making all the links from scratch, I've also tried making "advanced" project, making a VMG-menu first with links to sub menues, without that helping at all. Same problem.
THis is the output from the log:
Project Ai2ks & Commands
First Play: Link to Menu "Menu 1" (VTS1)
Title Button: Link to Menu "Menu 1" (VTS1)
VTS 1 Menus
Menu: "Menu 1"
Nr. of Cells: 1
Timeout: 255 Default Btn: 1
Button 1: Link to Menu "Menu 3"
Button 2: Link to Menu "Menu 4"
Button 3: Link to Menu "Menu 5"
Button 4: Link to Menu "Menu 6"
End Link: -none-
Menu: "Menu 3"
Nr. of Cells: 1
Timeout: 255 Default Btn: 1
Button 1: Link to Movie "Movie 1", Chapter 2
Button 2: Link to Movie "Movie 1", Chapter 3
Button 3: Link to Movie "Movie 1", Chapter 4
Button 4: Link to Movie "Movie 1", Chapter 5
Button 5: Link to Movie "Movie 1", Chapter 1
Button 6: Link to Menu "Menu 1"
End Link: Movie 1
Menu: "Menu 4"
Nr. of Cells: 1
Timeout: 255 Default Btn: 1
Button 1: Link to Movie "Movie 2", Chapter 1
Button 2: Link to Movie "Movie 2", Chapter 2
Button 3: Link to Movie "Movie 2", Chapter 3
Button 4: Link to Movie "Movie 2", Chapter 4
Button 5: Link to Movie "Movie 2", Chapter 5
Button 6: Link to Menu "Menu 1"
End Link: -none-
Menu: "Menu 5"
Nr. of Cells: 1
Timeout: 255 Default Btn: 1
Button 1: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 1
Button 2: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 2
Button 3: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 3
Button 4: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 4
Button 5: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 5
Button 6: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 6
Button 7: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 7
Button 8: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 8
Button 9: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 9
Button 10: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 10
Button 11: Link to Menu "Menu 1"
End Link: -none-
Menu: "Menu 6"
Nr. of Cells: 1
Timeout: 255 Default Btn: 1
Button 1: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 12
Button 2: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 13
Button 3: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 14
Button 4: Link to Movie "Movie 3", Chapter 11
Button 5: Link to Menu "Menu 1"
End Link: -none-
VTS 1 Movies
Movie: "Movie 1" Chapters: 5
End Link: Root Menu
Movie: "Movie 2" Chapters: 5
End Link: Root Menu
Movie: "Movie 3" Chapters: 14
End Link: Root Menu