After trying for weeks to solve the problem on my own i thought id better try the professionals.
I was given a PSP a couple of years ago for Christmas by my girlfriend.
Not knowing anything about its internals, i updated it as i got new games as it told me to in the manuel.
My PSP is fat, white and has NO numbers or letters visible when i open the game slot.
Plus i got it christmas 2006 so what model does that make it?
It is currently at its v2.82 state which (from research) clearly sucks.
At present i only want to do one thing with it:
play emulated games (snes, genesis/megadrive, master system, GBA etc) as they're all i need when traveling.
As i dont have GTA LSS, im without help for now it seemed, until i started reading about this whole custom firmware thing.
If i was to put custom fw onto my psp, could i then run emulators?
Nowhere seems to fully answer this in a non jargon way.
Please can someone help me?
I dont have GTA LSS and dont really want to have to buy it if i can help it.
I dont have a pandora battery (or know what one is) but from reading on websites, it seems i could turn my existing battery into one as well as my memory card (or whatever). does that make sense?
If all this is true and i can update my v2.82 psp to somesort of custom fw, what fw would i use and how would i do it? (step by step of course!) ;)
you peeps on here clearly know what you're on about so if you could throw me in the right direction, id be made up :)
I really dont want to have to spend money on making my psp do what my pc can do already but i want my psp to be able to do it none the less.
As you have a Phat PSP - it makes no odds what you have - they can all accept custom firmware.
Custom Firmware & Emulators - yes!, I use GBA, MAME, NES & Genesis - all work well.
There are various ways to add CFW, now you can update it to 5.03 and use an exploit to do it, or the old way with a pandora battery. Look around this forum for various guides on how to do it, you shouldn't need anything so just a bit of research - get it all for free
Yeah, just update to 5.03 (*_-NOT-_* past it) and run the ChickHEN exploit and a CFW installer. I did the same thing, and while ChickHEN is pretty hard to start, it works wonders when you get it. Here's the tutorial I used. Install 5.00 M33 if you don't know what you're doing.