I have never ran a CFW on my white Vader PSP and upgraded w/ Hellcats to m33, then to 5.50 Gen D-3 but I cannot seem to load any PSP games. I have tried everything.
Now I need to know if I can go back to m33 or even download and install 5.00 m33-6 to see if this works for me.
I do not know the issue with not being able to load ISO games, my mpeg4 videos work fine.
I ripped 6 different games and did not even compress then, placed them into the "Games" folder and nothing shows up. My settings are reading from memory card so I am fine there.
Did you put them in the ISO folder! cso and iso's go in here
PS1 eboots go into the psp/games folder
In the recovery menu, settings should be m33 or sony driver!
If you still want to downgrtade to try then you need to use Hellcats recovery flasher - this should get you back to 5.00m33
Thanks. I tried it in the ISO folder and it worked. It did not work before when I was using the "xgen-v5-5-50gen-d3-release-151209_1260947738" Gen D-3, but when I installed the following download "xgen-550gen-d3-final_1260992120", the game now shows up.