Budget eyefinity build
5. August 2011 @ 11:36 |
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Toshiba Satellite a665 16.5" laptop - Intel i3 - 4gb RAM - 500 gb HDD
PS3 Slim 320GB HDD 3.41 OFW
PS2 Slim SCPH-70012 - Free McBoot 1.8 - 128MB Memory Card
PSP 3001 Silver - Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-C - 8GB Sony Memory Stick
iPod Touch 2g - 8gb - MC version - Jailbroken
Senior Member
5. August 2011 @ 21:54 |
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Only question is why the display-port adapter? And I would suggest a processor above the athelon.
6. August 2011 @ 18:57 |
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yeah you can get a phenom ii x4 (965?) for 139 or so. it is a decent deal. x6 phenom ii's are becoming affordable as well.
check passmark cpu benchmark list for comparisons.
i prefer an ATX board because it has more slots for expansions. but thats your choice really.
BEWARE of your displayport adapter choice. the first few reviews said it died. I cant prove it, but in my opinion Sapphire and HIS and powercolor (et al.) are lower build quality. Im sometimes wrong tho.
Consider an aftermarket CPU cooler. they are more efficient meaning cooler running and quiet too if you use the right kind of fan. PWM fan is recommended. i use a thermax eclipse II. Its more affordable than alot of coolers, and the performance is close to water IMO.
Hitachi drives, from what i hear, are slightly less reliable, and from experience, a bit loud. i like WD and Samsung drives. Apparently, Samsung is selling(?) their HDD dept. this could affect build quality in the future.
good choice on the antec psu, mine has worked well for a while now. might be a bit low on the wattage side if your gonna game heavy or overclock, but thats for you to decide. TBH, though i use a 650 watt and im doing both. One video card.
G SKILL is a fairly decent brand, i think.
@21q - monitor configs above 2 monitors require displayport I believe. his chosen monitors have no displayport connections.
7. August 2011 @ 15:12 |
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Toshiba Satellite a665 16.5" laptop - Intel i3 - 4gb RAM - 500 gb HDD
PS3 Slim 320GB HDD 3.41 OFW
PS2 Slim SCPH-70012 - Free McBoot 1.8 - 128MB Memory Card
PSP 3001 Silver - Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-C - 8GB Sony Memory Stick
iPod Touch 2g - 8gb - MC version - Jailbroken
7. August 2011 @ 16:41 |
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If I were you, I would downgrade a notch on the Phenom II X4. You can find an X2 that you can unlock 3rd and forth core on, and still get a pretty good ghz overclock. I got a X2 555 black edition, and oc'd it to 3.7 with 3rd and 4th core unlocked. Stock cooler keeps it within 41 to 45 celcius. Look around a little. Hell mine with cores unlocked actually registers as a 955 x4 according to windows..lmao!
As for the mobo, I would spend the few extra bucks on a better model. Go for the Asua M4888 Evo. Comes with crossfireX and nice GPU boost...very nice.
The GPU is a little over kill. You could get 2 sapphire or XFX cards and run them in true x16 with the mobo and get a little more bang for cheaper than the $250 for the one you want.
7. August 2011 @ 18:49 |
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I'll look into that mobo, looks pretty good. But, about the crossfire setup, I dont think you could get near as good performance from them as this 6950. I'm looking into it though. What card would you reccomend for a dual setup?
The main reason I've chosen this card is because I've seen it push 3 monitors at very high res. My resolution would be at 4800x900, so thats 4,320,000 pixels to output.
I'm very openminded though.
Toshiba Satellite a665 16.5" laptop - Intel i3 - 4gb RAM - 500 gb HDD
PS3 Slim 320GB HDD 3.41 OFW
PS2 Slim SCPH-70012 - Free McBoot 1.8 - 128MB Memory Card
PSP 3001 Silver - Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-C - 8GB Sony Memory Stick
iPod Touch 2g - 8gb - MC version - Jailbroken
7. August 2011 @ 19:16 |
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Toshiba Satellite a665 16.5" laptop - Intel i3 - 4gb RAM - 500 gb HDD
PS3 Slim 320GB HDD 3.41 OFW
PS2 Slim SCPH-70012 - Free McBoot 1.8 - 128MB Memory Card
PSP 3001 Silver - Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-C - 8GB Sony Memory Stick
iPod Touch 2g - 8gb - MC version - Jailbroken
8. August 2011 @ 01:34 |
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Thanks for the information.
8. August 2011 @ 13:56 |
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MSI is horrible in my opinion. I had a MSI board, and it is not overclock friendly at all. The reason I suggest the EVO board is because it is built on the 880G chipset and overall handles a wider range of tweaks than the 7th generation chipsets. Also it is one of the few boards in which you can get true SLI or CrossfireX bandwidth at x16. Most boards say they can provide up and down x16 speeds with dual cards, but in truth they actually only perform at x8 each or worse..... x4 each.
But on a side note, why does everyone seem to have a need to display stuff across 3 monitors? I may be a tad bit older than most here, but I can't imagine trying to look at a combined 3 monitors just to play a game or do everyday tasking. Can someone shed some light on this please?
Oh yeah almost forgot. The one thing you get with Asus over the other boards, is the "Core Unlocker" function. Most motherboards do not have this type of support built in and require you to use 3rd party software. With Asus, you can do it from the start in the BIOS.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2011 @ 13:58
8. August 2011 @ 15:18 |
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About the three monitors, the main reason for me to get them is because when you play call of duty, it lets you use your peripheral vision with the game, you look at the middle screen and the rest you see out of the corner of your eye. so it like extends your field of view in the game, not stretching the res to fit the screens, just extending it. Thats a big advantage of eyefinity.
The second reason is the "cool" factor. Being able to beat everybody elses rigs.
The third reason is for my schoolwork, since you have a huge desktop, you can have several applications open, and viewable, at the same time. It really boosts productivity. I say that as I'm writing with dual monitors. Word is open on one, and internet on the other.
By the way, thanks a lot for the help. It's givin me a lot to think about before I buy, I'm still not sure about the mobo, I dont plan on overclocking so thats not a big issue. I'm looking for a good board in the 60-80 dollar range.
Toshiba Satellite a665 16.5" laptop - Intel i3 - 4gb RAM - 500 gb HDD
PS3 Slim 320GB HDD 3.41 OFW
PS2 Slim SCPH-70012 - Free McBoot 1.8 - 128MB Memory Card
PSP 3001 Silver - Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-C - 8GB Sony Memory Stick
iPod Touch 2g - 8gb - MC version - Jailbroken