hi guys..im a console person but am seriously looking at building a gaming pc..im willing to spend about 500 notes but havnt got a clue what to look for performance wise,For 500 could i build something decent that will play everything at a good performance and what should i be looking for,as in could i get away with certain budget hardware or would i have to spend to make it goodish. cheers
I put together a quick list from Newegg using an AMD system. An AMD system will be cheaper to put together then an Intel setup. It comes to a total of $665. I have built a few systems using this CPU/Motherboard combo, and they work well. This is just a quick starting point to give you an idea for parts. You can find cheaper alternatives. You just have to look around at various vendors, and see what they have. Sites like Techbargins, slickdeals, and fatwallet can help find deals on parts.