convertxtodvd 4 help pls
8. March 2012 @ 13:21 |
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i have just bought a new pc
and i had installed convertxtodvd 4 from my old pc
since then when im trying to convert it freezes during convert
any help plps thanks
9. March 2012 @ 10:55 |
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hello thanks for the info,
but do you know whats the problem of this freezing issue is exactly,
i have tried to install convertx to dvd 3 and did the same thing.
since i got this new pc with windows 7 ultimate installed
this programm is freezing all the time during convert
is there any other similar program like convertx to dvd, with menus and chapters
9. March 2012 @ 12:42 |
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spammer spammed
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. March 2012 @ 13:10 |
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try convertxtodvd 3, i also had the same issue with convertxtodvd 4. uninstalled and went with 3 and havent had any issues. id say there is a compatibly issue with the 2 programs.
9. March 2012 @ 14:52 |
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i have also used the convertx to dvd 3
and this one got an error issue and closed the programm by itself
maybe i have wrong settings
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
16. March 2012 @ 13:42 |
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My problems with Convertx 4 have been highly minimal. But that probably depends on the input file ;) Corrupt MKV's/MP4's could crash, or destabilize the program, if it encounters problems that were not anticipated by the programmer/s.
Lately I've been preferring Nero Vision. ConvertX is very fast, but that's all it has going for it(Nero vision is fast on my system too). ConvertX literally Rapes dark scenery. That's unacceptable in my opinion. They should really allow the users to adjust that aspect of the program/transcoder.
How do I use Nero vision(NERO 9) with MKV's you wonder? I don't believe it supports MKV natively. Haven't tried it in a while though. What I've been doing, is converting the MKV's to AVCHD files(M2TS). M2TS is supported. And MKV's internal information is extremely similar most the time. It usually does not require recompression to output AVCHD. I really wanted to load the AVCHD structure into BD Rebuilder though. But with videos that have had the black bars removed, it creates a problem with the output. Nero and ConvertX can reapply the black bars to the video.
I noticed a new program(new to me) in the Guide section here. I'll likely be trying that soon :D It's called "The FilmMachine".
How's it going Rob? ;)

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19. March 2012 @ 18:00 |
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thanks for you info
now its working ok, i think it was the mp4 file like you said maybe it was corrupt
or when i transferred it to the new pc. but now all avi and mp4 i downloaded are going well
thanks guys
5. April 2012 @ 13:04 |
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I have convertxtodvd 4, and the problem I have is that everything I convert, plays on my cheap little DVD player. But when I loan the movie to someone else, some of them play, and some of them say disc error. Its a bummer when you download the first two seasons of Justtified and give them to someone as a gift, and they don't play. Can anyone help me. I've never adjusted anything in the program, so its at all its default settings. Thanks.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
5. April 2012 @ 13:07 |
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Some players can play a lot of different disc types. My Samsung BD-P1590 is the worst purchase I've ever made. My LG BD640 however plays anything. If you use Verbatim discs, or Taiyo Yuden discs, their players would probably like them. +R discs closed as DVD-ROM would be even better.

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5. April 2012 @ 13:21 |
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Originally posted by omegaman7: Some players can play a lot of different disc types. My Samsung BD-P1590 is the worst purchase I've ever made. My LG BD640 however plays anything. If you use Verbatim discs, or Taiyo Yuden discs, their players would probably like them. +R discs closed as DVD-ROM would be even better.
I've taken disc's from the same pack, and burned movies for a friend. Some of them will play, and some of them won't. So I don't think its a disc incombatability thing. Any other ideas? Do the settings in the program need to be changed? Everything is on automatic at the moment.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
5. April 2012 @ 13:26 |
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"some play, some won't"
That tells me, that you either use cheap media, or your burner is on the fritz. Sorry man. But there's no other explanation. Cheap media is prone to failure, or sketchy performance at best. Maxell, Memorex, Philips, Ritek. They're second tier products. They can't hold a flame to Taiyo Yuden, or proper dye Verbatim discs.
On another note, my Samsung will work fine one day, and not the next. So players could be the problem too. But I really wonder about that here.
WHAT KIND of discs are you using?
By the way, Burning at max speed is ill advised. Burning at the slowest speed(depending on burner) could also be ill advised.
Are you using Imgburn, Nero, or Convertx for the actual burning of the disc?

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. April 2012 @ 13:28
5. April 2012 @ 13:39 |
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Originally posted by omegaman7: "some play, some won't"
That tells me, that you either use cheap media, or your burner is on the fritz. Sorry man. But there's no other explanation. Cheap media is prone to failure, or sketchy performance at best. Maxell, Memorex, Philips, Ritek. They're second tier products. They can't hold a flame to Taiyo Yuden, or proper dye Verbatim discs.
On another note, my Samsung will work fine one day, and not the next. So players could be the problem too. But I really wonder about that here.
WHAT KIND of discs are you using?
By the way, Burning at max speed is ill advised. Burning at the slowest speed(depending on burner) could also be ill advised.
Are you using Imgburn, Nero, or Convertx for the actual burning of the disc?
I'll admit that I buy disc's on sale. At the moment I'm using Phillips. I've never tried the one's your recommend, but if thats the answer, I will. What I wonder is, why will the disc not play on my friends DVD player, but it will play on mine. I mean, if it was a bad disc, it would seem to me that it wouldn't play period. However, I use convertxtodvd for the entire process, including burning. I was burning at max speed, but I'm now burning at 12X.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
5. April 2012 @ 13:57 |
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Some players can read discs better than others. NO dvd player is created equal. Computer Optical drives are the same way. I've had very bad luck with Philips discs. Dvd's anyhow. Their blurays seem O-K at the moment. But I fear they'll be no good in a few years. Longevity is a concern with them.
Max speed will definitely cause problems. A Philips 16X disc I would recommend 8X. A taiyo yuden 16X I burn at 12X. But they can handle 16 and more. It really depends on the burner. Imgburn is definitely better than Convertx for burning. And it's free :) Nero is very agreeable too. But Imgburn is a more compact application.

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