I just downloaded a video clip in .flv format running about 32 miutes from a website from HongKong ( size = 69 mbs) . It played well in any standard player ( i.e. VLC & KMplayer etc...) . However, when I loaded it into video editing programs ( i.e. NCH VideoPad , AVS Video Editor ) only the first 19 minutes of the clip was shown , as if the clip was 19 minutes long , not its actual length of 32 minutes ! .
I also tried to burn a DVD out of this clip using ConvertXToDVD . It loaded ok ( shown 32 minute long ) but ConvertXToDVD converted only the first 19 minutes of the clip !!
What's going here ? Please explain and advise how can I solve this puzzling problem . Thanks...
Two suggestions:
Open the file in AviDemux and re-save as (Format)flv.
Or use FlvExtract to separate the video and audio and see if your editors like that.
Finally, I found out what's wrong with the .flv clip !! I downloaded the clip using Jdownloader . Somehow, this clip was shown to be .flv . I search in the Net and found the recommendation to use : "Replay Media Catcher 4" to DL the clip !
When I use this program to redownload the video, the same clip had the extention .f4v !! "Replay Media Catcher 4" also offers the option to convert from .f4v to normal .flv , .avi & .mkv etc.... . After the conversion , all the video editors could load up the clip just fine ( all 32 minutes long ) .
Apparently, the format .f4v is not a popuplar video format yet ! And why the extention .flv was shown rather than .f4v , I wish someone can explain to shed light on is puzzling issue !