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anonymous against sony video
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4. April 2011 @ 21:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey i am guessing that a lot of you have already seen this video
and checked out this site
great reading
made me all warm and fuzzy inside :-)

was just wondering if anyone has a link to where i can download a copy of it to save
i really want a saved copy to be able to play back

this made my day
about time sony got put in their place

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. April 2011 @ 21:40

Senior Member
4. April 2011 @ 21:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by GreenWii:
hey i am guessing that a lot of you have already seen this video
and checked out this site
great reading
made me all warm and fuzzy inside :-)

was just wondering if anyone has a link to where i can download a copy of it to save
i really want a saved copy to be able to play back

this made my day
about time sony got put in their place

How is it that family members of Sony Employees valid targets? I don't understand? If I were to work for Sony my family members information is free game? Why is that?Its one thing to get revenge on people that directly work for Sony but their family members? Really?And the judge? Why is a judge and Sony's lawyers doing their job also a valid target?How does this help Geo and Graf? There's already a huge misconception about hackers being no good and you think this type of scare NO terrorist type antics will really help Geo or Graf? Does this group really think Sony will just drop the civil suit and forget about it?This will just make things even worse for everyone both on the homebrew side of things and people not into homebrew/jailbreak.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. April 2011 @ 22:19

4. April 2011 @ 22:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
why is it that everyone who visited a website is a target?
why did they take away a feature that the said they wouldn't?
why can they change the law every time they see fit?

sony wants twitter accounts and all kinds of unrelevent crap
and the fact that they made up a new company SCEA SCEI and say they dont talk or cant produce paperwork is just a bunch of legal crap in my opinion
screw them both and use sony japan in court instead of sticking your sister company under the bus to take the heat
they stole from the ps3 user so its time to get even
i know it isnt right but i dont care (sony is not in the right either but they have more money and lawyers so they think they can steal from the user and it is ok for them)
what they are doing in court is a bunch of beating around the bush (in my opinion)
time to stop suing people and just ban them from psn
leave the rest of the users alone who don't care about psn and just want to do what they want with their toys
as for them leasing their equipment and they (sony) still own it is crap
they dont fix it when it breaks like a car company you lease a vehicle from
if they want to say they still own it then stop selling them and start renting them
i am sure blockbuster could use a boost like that
and as for game sales say goodbye completely in that scenario (except for the rental companies)

P.S. ranting with you guys is great

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. April 2011 @ 22:58

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4. April 2011 @ 23:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by GreenWii:
why is it that everyone who visited a website is a target?
why did they take away a feature that the said they wouldn't?
why can they change the law every time they see fit?

sony wants twitter accounts and all kinds of unrelevent crap
and the fact that they made up a new company SCEA SCEI and say they dont talk or cant produce paperwork is just a bunch of legal crap in my opinion
screw them both and use sony japan in court instead of sticking your sister company under the bus to take the heat
they stole from the ps3 user so its time to get even
i know it isnt right but i dont care (sony is not in the right either but they have more money and lawyers so they think they can steal from the user and it is ok for them)
what they are doing in court is a bunch of beating around the bush (in my opinion)
time to stop suing people and just ban them from psn
leave the rest of the users alone who don't care about psn and just want to do what they want with their toys
as for them leasing their equipment and they (sony) still own it is crap
they dont fix it when it breaks like a car company you lease a vehicle from
if they want to say they still own it then stop selling them and start renting them
i am sure blockbuster could use a boost like that
and as for game sales say goodbye completely in that scenario (except for the rental companies)

P.S. ranting with you guys is great

Beside Graf and Geo in light of all these IP addresses,Pay Pal data etc being obtained, Have you heard of anyone else getting sued?No. Anon is actually doing something that potentially may do harm, actual physical harm to Sony employees and their family members by posting their phone numbers,address etc and that no matter who's side your on that's not cool at all.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. April 2011 @ 23:19

4. April 2011 @ 23:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i agree partly
i think that it is just because no other cracks and substantial stuff has come out since
i am sure they will try to sue when it does
why else would there be no incremental updates like there were for psp, wii, ds, xbox360
everyone seems to be waiting and not wanting to waste their efforts for no substantial reason
and in my opinion psn is not a substantial reason as i believe that hacked consoles should rightfully lose the online interactivity that comes with them otherwise it is just a bunch of cheating loosers playing online and that is no fun for anyone hacked or not
and the people trying to get the online part working should be the problem not the jailbreakers
they might be doing harm but someone needs to stop them from thinking they own the hardware they sold
and just because all the information that sony is receiving from these warrants is not made public doesn't make it right either
they are still violating privacy
why are they not suing the supercomputer that was built with over 2000 of their machines
because they didn't accept an agreement to upgrade
well i don't accept my agreement and never have but i lost features from my machine and i can't go back (bought used at 3.56 so no breach for me)
so why do they have the right to use their machines however they want to but i don't
i dont see asus suing everyone who runs unofficial software on their hardware
they just want to sell it to us and make a buck
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5. April 2011 @ 19:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Without getting into the whole "is what they're doing right" stuff, you can't really argue with this:

[you] deny consumers the right to use products they have paid for, and rightfully own, in the manner of their choosing. Perhaps you should alert your customers to the fact that they are apparently only renting your products? In light of this assault on both rights and free expression, Anonymous, the notoriously handsome rulers of the internet, would like to inform you that you have only been "renting" your web domains. Having trodden upon Anonymous' rights, you must now be trodden on.

If you disagree with the disciplinary actions against your private parts domains, then we trust you can also understand our motivations for these actions. You own your domains. You paid for them with your own money. Now Anonymous is attacking your private property because we disagree with your actions. And that seems, dare we say it, "wrong." Sound familiar?

As for the "judges" and complicit legal entities who have enabled these cowards: You are no better than SONY itself in our eyes and remain guilty of undermining the well-being of the populace and subverting your judicial mandate.
Fair enough the whole "rulers of the internet" thing is a bit over the top, but none of us ever "rented" anything from Sony...


1 product review
13. April 2011 @ 06:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ Bawango
i cant agree with you more. Anonymous like many here at AD believe that two wrongs make a right and they realy dont care who they hurt.
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1 product review
13. April 2011 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It isn't like the courts are doing anything to help us. It is easy to say that Anonymous goes too far...but what are you doing about these problems?

The anonymous attacks are little more than an electronic form of protest. A DDoS attack is the internet version of a picket line. They are not stealing information, they are just sending the electronic equivalent of "We are here" over and over again.

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13. April 2011 @ 22:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All of this has been very amusing. Anonymous claims to be the protector of consumers and consumer rights but then they deny/hinder access to PSN which pisses off the same consumers they are "protecting".
They DDoS attack Sony sites causing minor inconvenience to Sony and again in the process pissing off more PS3 owners.Sony hires Prolexic which throws the old monkey wrench in their plan which renders Anon into 12 year old boys and proceeds to prank Sony employees :S to "teach Sony a lesson"
Geo and Sony settle out of court where Hotz as part of the settlement agrees to not touch any Sony products which if he chooses to violate can result to a fine between $10,000 to $250,000 AND in the process pissing people off that donated to Hotz legal defense fund.
Again, this has all been very amusing and highly entertaining.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2011 @ 22:44

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14. April 2011 @ 05:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually anon decided not to go after the psn login servers, they targeted the psn store. But this still led to many not able to login into psn :P

It has be amusing, but it is also serious. What do you think would happen if sony decided to take back all the ps3's after the warranty expired? Because sony claim that we are only leasing the hardware for 1 year and given support, but after that year the warranty ends and so does the support but we keep the hardware.
So if we are leasing the hardware sony could legally turn around and demand all ps3s to be returned. Of course they will not do this and then people will realise that they do not own the ps3 and wonder what they spent their $300 on.

The problem with anon is that most of them were just kids connecting their pc to anons hive and letting the main few run things. When anon first started ddos attacks on companies there were over 1000 in the hive, but during this sony attack there were only 70 odd. All that is left are those few who want to protect their rights, all the kids who just wanted to cause trouble got bored and left. > forums > consoles > ps3 - everything else > anonymous against sony video

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