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How Sony Should Compensate Us!
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30. April 2011 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. April 2011 @ 22:29


16 product reviews
30. April 2011 @ 21:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

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Wow bigo93 you really are going over the top with this huh? It's pretty sad really if you actually believe some of the stuff you have written. <Slowly Shakes Head Side to Side>

Junior Member
30. April 2011 @ 22:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anytime Sony's name is in the title you hear the usual, I hate Sony, I will never buy any Sony products, etc. etc. Now we get to hear how Sony should hand out all this free stuff because all of this is Sony's fault. I could see compensation for lost time if you are paying for a service provided on PSN but other than that you shouldn't get anything.
Senior Member
30. April 2011 @ 22:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's lost confident and trust in Sony, also the fascist way they have gone about things. Why should I use a Sony product again?

Sony should compensate everyone, an I feel they should compensate or rather reimburse people for having to buy a xbox due to not wanting to purchase anything new on their ps3 console as they no longer wish to support Sony.

You think giving psn credit is compensation for those of us who dont want to support them any more? Are we to believe Sony will only give compensation if you stick with them? You think ppl will be happy with Sony turning around and saying "Not happy with Sony, here's a voucher to use on any Sony product"? Sony should pay for the inconvenience and cost that will be associated for those ps3 users who now wish to support xbox instead.

You think when toyota recalled thousands of cars due to a breaking fault, those buyers were either going to accept the same car back or anotehr Toyota model? No a lot of them would have wanted a refund and bought a different manufacturer's car.
Now as we want to punish Sony I see it fitting for ps3 owners to keep their ps3s, as they have already bought games for it, and get refund or xbox as well! I know I for one will not be buying anotehr Sony product or game for the ps3, making my ps3 technically a paperweight. So compensation of an xbox is perfectly logical.

Also Sony should be able to get them for £150 or less, I think thats getting of lightly, I doubt many will accept a free game download valued at £40 for the complete and utter incompetence they have shown.

now you could ask for a wii but the wii is nowhere near comparable to the ps3, the xbox 360 is the only rival.

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 01:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Oner:
Originally posted by bigo93:
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

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Wow bigo93 you really are going over the top with this huh? It's pretty sad really if you actually believe some of the stuff you have written. <Slowly Shakes Head Side to Side>
Are you really surprised though?!

Oh and here is the rumored compensation Sony will be handing out. Your not going to be a happy camper Bigo93

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2011 @ 01:12

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
1. May 2011 @ 03:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sony is no different now than they were when the ps2 came out & their attitude hasn't changed either this is what they'd like to say "it's free to go online quit ya stink'n whinging" ,none of you should be suprised about anything anymore especially where sony is concerned,well the data loss is unexpected everything else not so much

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2011 @ 03:16

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sony to compensate users with 1 month free PSN+ sub!

How many agree that is enough compensation?! A year's sub is worth £40, 3 month sub is worth £12, so this 1 month free has a max value of £4!!!

I am completely insulted at this figure! As as said above, this is only compensation for those who wish to remain with Sony, for those who do not this compensation is useless and worthless!

1. May 2011 @ 10:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
Sony to compensate users with 1 month free PSN+ sub!

How many agree that is enough compensation?! A year's sub is worth £40, 3 month sub is worth £12, so this 1 month free has a max value of £4!!!

I am completely insulted at this figure! As as said above, this is only compensation for those who wish to remain with Sony, for those who do not this compensation is useless and worthless!
For those who do not want to stay with sony, its their own choice... meaning its their choice to make GOOD use of that 4pounds or they can leave it. You never know, PSN my be better then before, maybe even better then XBL.

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1. May 2011 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does not matter, Sony broke the laws of several countries where all personal data must be held encrypted and securely. They had none of the personal data encrypted!

We can never trust sony again or trust that the updates to the ps3 will be secure. My PS3 is not useless! I want compensation for that!

you may be happy to allow sony to screw you again, but I am not!

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sammi789:
Originally posted by bigo93:
Sony to compensate users with 1 month free PSN+ sub!

How many agree that is enough compensation?! A year's sub is worth £40, 3 month sub is worth £12, so this 1 month free has a max value of £4!!!

I am completely insulted at this figure! As as said above, this is only compensation for those who wish to remain with Sony, for those who do not this compensation is useless and worthless!
For those who do not want to stay with sony, its their own choice... meaning its their choice to make GOOD use of that 4pounds or they can leave it. You never know, PSN my be better then before, maybe even better then XBL.
Bigo for the amount of time you've bitched and whined about Sony why is it you still even have a PS3. I'm sure you have 2. One with CFW and one that you can use on PSN. What your doing is very hypocritical. You go on on how evil and incompetent of a company Sony is yet your not willing to relinquish your PS3's.
Sony is not holding a gun to your head fro you to keep using the PS3 or PSN and the excuse "I've spent too much money on my PS3's" is bull. If you really despise a company you should have gotten rid of their product even if its at a lost and even if I were to sell my PS3 games and console, I wouldn't expect a full return in my investment.From the history of what Sony has done to you with the removal of other os and Sony's stance on CFW, you should have dropped your PS3 in the nearest river a long time ago.
Why is it that you feel that you require more than whats "RUMORED" to be the compensation? Has there been fraudulent charges on your CC? If that's the case then you should hire a lawyer rather than spending time here.
Its shitty that a stranger or strangers have my personal info like my name, address,mailing address, and e-mail address but whats the worse they can do with this info? Spam me with Viagra ads in my e-mail and physical mailing address? Beside such information is easily accessible on your average phone book.
I'm not saying or implying that the theft of our personal info is OK but if you step back and think about it, the info that the thieves got is something that can be obtained from a phone book.
Again at the end of the day you as a gamer/consumer have a choice. No one is holding a gun to any ones head to keep using the PS3 or any Sony products.The whole "our console being held hostage" is total BS and way over dramatic than it needs to be.If you do in fact feel that your console is being "held hostage" then thats your own fault for not realizing that your in fact not.Also what happened to the PSN can happen to anyone.Even the guy in charge of MS banning XBox Live accounts got hacked.Sure its not as a large scale as 70 million PSN users but it shows that it in fact can happen.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2011 @ 12:18

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 12:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
Does not matter, Sony broke the laws of several countries where all personal data must be held encrypted and securely. They had none of the personal data encrypted!

We can never trust sony again or trust that the updates to the ps3 will be secure. My PS3 is not useless! I want compensation for that!

you may be happy to allow sony to screw you again, but I am not!
LORD! Could you please at least make sense before you post rants :S "My PS3 is not useless!I want compensation for that."
What? My PS3 is not useless and I want compensation for that.What does that even mean?!
If you feel that strongly about it then get in line and sue Sony. Apparently the data breach is grounds for a lawsuit so there's your opportunity Bigo.Rather than whining about it here, get off your PC and hire a lawyer and get the ball rolling.

Heres the latest from Sonys press conference in regards to this fiasco

for the people that are wondering what Sony will do about fraudulent CC charges

"Although no credit cards have been proven as misused after the intrusion, Sony says that "we will consider covering the cost of reissues of new credit cards to affected customers if they wish to do so."

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2011 @ 12:29

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 18:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually there are 3 PS3s in my household, and yes one is cfw.

But still the way sony is trying to compensate us is via psn, how can we trust they put enough effort into the new psn? I dont trust it, which does make my ps3 useless, as you have seen not many people play offline and single player.

lol I did say "not", but being the "intelligent" person you are I am sure even you would have realise that that is a spelling mistake and is actually supposed to say "now" :P When people rant they type fast and obviously make some mistakes.

Even so £4 is a mockery to us all! Even with the free dlc, which will be region specific and might exclude some of the more popular downloads, it probably wont even get to £30.
That is no where near enough to compensate for their mistakes.

I dont care if not a single credit card is used for fraud, though there are unconfirmed reports already out. The fact that they had such pathetic security on our personal data they might well have not had any at all!

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 19:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
I dont care if not a single credit card is used for fraud, though there are unconfirmed reports already out. The fact that they had such pathetic security on our personal data they might well have not had any at all!
LOL. You heard it here folks. Though no security experts have rated how good Sony's security system that was in place when the hack took place, bigo93 gives its a "pathetic".
Again, I hope you realize that this could happen to any system.Even the Pentagons security system gets hacked.Government agencies like here in Canada was hacked. You get a hacker with the "know how" and no security system is safe.You arm bank security guards with big guns and the thieves get bigger guns.LOL. Server security no matter how sophisticated is no match to a sophisticated hacker.
Do yourself a favor and get rid of your PS3's already and get a 360. For the amount of PS3's you have you can get a brand new 360 and a game or two.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2011 @ 19:38

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 19:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No I want Sony to pay for it. it's all their fault.

And it is pathetic as we know the ps3 sends info to the psn unencrypted including the credit card details, and we know the personal details are unencrypted on their servers. Why do only the credit card details all of a sudden become encrypted on their servers, why is the same not applied to personal details?

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 20:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
No I want Sony to pay for it. it's all their fault.

And it is pathetic as we know the ps3 sends info to the psn unencrypted including the credit card details, and we know the personal details are unencrypted on their servers. Why do only the credit card details all of a sudden become encrypted on their servers, why is the same not applied to personal details?
"And it is pathetic as we know the ps3 sends info to the psn unencrypted including the credit card details." OMG This was only the case for PS3's on CFW (GOOGLE IT!)
If you can steal my identity using only my name,address,and e-mail address then all the power to you.
Sony only owes you an apology and that's it unless your CC has in fact incurred fraudulent charges and again Sony has gone on record that they will compensate person or persons that do in fact have fraudulent charges on their CC. You seem to live in a world where you only listen to you and yourself alone which would explains most of your rants.Anyway,Good luck with getting a 360 from Sony. Hope it happens before the world end in 2012.
Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 20:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No it's the case for all ps3s, it's only bad for cfw cos the guy who develops cfw may add their own certificate to have the info sent to them as well. All ps3s still send data unencrypted to psn! lmao at you believing Sony with that one!

We already know you're a fanboy, and only care if things affect you personally, if it doesnt you dont give a shit, so why are you replying to this?! If you love sony so much carry on licking their boots and let them take away your rights, and allow the rest of us to demand the pay for their mistakes!

Senior Member
1. May 2011 @ 23:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
No it's the case for all ps3s, it's only bad for cfw cos the guy who develops cfw may add their own certificate to have the info sent to them as well. All ps3s still send data unencrypted to psn! lmao at you believing Sony with that one!

We already know you're a fanboy, and only care if things affect you personally, if it doesnt you dont give a shit, so why are you replying to this?! If you love sony so much carry on licking their boots and let them take away your rights, and allow the rest of us to demand the pay for their mistakes!
When you lose the argument pull out the old "Bawango is a PS3 fanboy" LOL
Sony wasn't the one that stated the only PS3 with CFW send unencrypted data it was a hacker. Again google it.
This issue affects me personally as I entered my real name and address and dob when I signed up for PSN and at one point my CC info was there. I just choose not to blow things out of proportion like you do.I also use logic and not to jump to conclusion like you do BUT to you that's being a "fanboy".Anyway you keep up with the rant as I do enjoy them :) Let me know how you make out with the compensation with the 360 and kinect. Oh and you're calling me a fanboy when you have 3 PS3's and I have one. Imagine that.At the end of the day I'd rather be a fanboy than a huge hypocrite like you.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. May 2011 @ 23:06


1 product review
2. May 2011 @ 00:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Bawango:
Originally posted by Oner:
Originally posted by bigo93:
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

Read more:
Wow bigo93 you really are going over the top with this huh? It's pretty sad really if you actually believe some of the stuff you have written. <Slowly Shakes Head Side to Side>
Are you really surprised though?!

Oh and here is the rumored compensation Sony will be handing out. Your not going to be a happy camper Bigo93
that rumor came from the sony site
Senior Member
2. May 2011 @ 07:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You clearly have not used any logic apart from "I want PSN back online"
Also it's clear I would have 2 consoles minimum, as I have stated on these forums use 1 for official use and one for cfw, and with the amount of advice I have given one would conclude I would have done that myself.

Look at the so called compensation, even ppl at ps3hax have realised it's a farce:
I am surprised it's taken so long for that!

Sony do not care about you or anyone else, so I ask again why are you still willing to support them after this? And please dont say they make good products, I agree the PS3 is a great console, before they started removing features, but those standing up for sony sound more like they have sold their soul to the devil. :P


1 product review
3. May 2011 @ 05:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

why would sony want to give everyone with a ps3 a xbox 360? thats just lame.
Senior Member
3. May 2011 @ 08:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cazer:
Originally posted by bigo93:
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

why would sony want to give everyone with a ps3 a xbox 360? thats just lame.
Cause thats just the way his mind works. He can afford multiple PS3's but yet want people to boycott Sony but still be that cheap that he doesn't want to pay for a 360 and Kinect even though the 360 is about half the price of a PS3.

1 product review
3. May 2011 @ 08:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Bawango:
Originally posted by cazer:
Originally posted by bigo93:
I think Sony should give everyone with a PS3 a free Xbox 360 with Kinect!

Xbox 360 with kinect is £250 from play, so if you remove taxes and Sony get a better than trade deal, which they can since they will be buying millions, Sony can get a bundle box for £150 each or less!

I think this is more than appropriate compensation for ps3 owners. And it shouldnt be 1 per person, but 1 per console owned!

A lot of people have lost trust in sony and the ps3, and I believe getting sony to do this is in fact letting them off lightly!

If you agree to this then please spread it on twitter and forums etc, £150 is around $250, there is no way ppl will accept a free game download as compensation!

The more people demand this the more sony will have to respond to it.
SOny lied to us for a week, didnt follow basic operations for handling data, so I am sure some will agree that with hindsght many would not have bought a ps3 knowing this and got an xbox. So instead of us wasting money changing consoles, sony should pay!

why would sony want to give everyone with a ps3 a xbox 360? thats just lame.
Cause thats just the way his mind works. He can afford multiple PS3's but yet want people to boycott Sony but still be that cheap that he doesn't want to pay for a 360 and Kinect even though the 360 is about half the price of a PS3.
i like that answer
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3. May 2011 @ 12:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Read the title, it's called COMPENSATION, not a trial offer!

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3. May 2011 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigo93:
Read the title, it's called COMPENSATION, not a trial offer!
Shows you how dense you are. Compensation can be in a form of anything. It could be a 30 day free trial of whatever,even be a high five.

   /ˌkɒmpənˈseɪʃən/ Show Spelled[kom-puhn-sey-shuhn] Show IPA
the act or state of compensating.
the state of being compensated.
something given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc.; indemnity: The insurance company paid him $2000 as compensation for the loss of his car.
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3. May 2011 @ 15:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The compensation is not enough and useless, first it only compensates those who stick with sony, and second it's only worth $8! Even if you include free content it probably only be around $50. That is not enough.

As you have used your example, we've lost use trust of sony and their products, we want a replacement, best replacement for ps3 is a xbox, and technically replacement for psn is also xbox live, but I'm being kind and not demanding they pay for that. :P

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