I've got my bluray movie, created the iso on ps3 ydl, transfered it to an external drive, transfered it to my pc, installed virtual clonedrive, install powerdvd, mounted the image and it is not recodnised.
And I cant find a resonable straight forward guide either. I;m sure ppl were saying you can back up blurays and play them on your pc since the ps3 came out, so why cant i get it to work? :'(
I have not used powerdvd in years, Will it play from virtual drive?
What you could do is use winimage or isobuster to make a bluray folder and play it from there. Should work, It does with total media theater anyway.
Like I said I cant find a proper guide to do this, which I find surprising; just getting the iso out from the ps3 was quite a hassle, i wanted to connect the ps3 to my pc directly via ethernet but couldnt, so instead used an external hdd, which had to be formatted in ext2, then getting windows to recognise that!
Really looks like a lot of jumping around is needed to do this.
Duh me. Just found out that when you rip the iso it also copies across the protection, no wonder why it would not work. Have to get something to bypass the encryption now. :(